WGLZ announcer, Kaitlynn Wheeler, speaks with Cisco Academy Instructor for the Lakeshore Compact, Roy Pignatiello

On November 23, 2019, WGLZ announcer Kaitlynn Wheeler spoke with Cisco Academy Instructor for the Lakeshore Compact, Roy Pignatiello, about the development of the Cisco career tech program at Euclid High School. The Cisco program is part of a pool of other programs such as welding, culinary arts, and visual communications that provide students with new skills and multiple career opportunities. With the Cisco program, students gain experience in the field of computer networking.

When asked about his interest in computer networking, Roy explained that back when he was in high school and college, the internet was not accessible at the time. If students wanted to put information on a computer they would have to insert an object known as a punch card to process the necessary data they required. As the years passed, Roy became more interested in how computers communicated so, while in college, he took a telecommunications class. After further increasing his knowledge in the field and later on obtaining a Cisco certification, Roy was approached to teach a two year networking program at Euclid High School. Initially, he declined the offer, but after establishing some conditions such as a small class size, Roy finally accepted the teaching position.

When asked about how students are accepted into the program, Roy said that it was a process. Students who are interested in the Cisco networking program must fill out an application and do an interview with the instructor during their tenth grade year in high school. Once students are accepted into the program, they are now eligible to receive college credit for the courses they are taking. Roy explained that the first year in the program usually involves learning basic networking concepts and theories. The second year involves applying that knowledge to hands on labs. Also during the second year, students have the opportunity to do a capstone and receive a Cisco certification.

It is sad to know that this year is Roy’s last year teach networking at Euclid High School. However, he said he was glad that he got a chance to help students pursue a career they were interested in. He hopes that they will make great strides in the future.