Student Shows Start Tuesday Afternoon

As you may have noticed we cancelled student shows for the last 3 days. We were experiencing major computer issues on our automation system and even our backup system. Thanks to the fine folks in the West Liberty  IT services department, we are back up and running. The staff wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you to their crew for all their help. They even tossed some spare computer parts our way to make sure we would not be experiencing any issues anytime soon.

With that being said student shows will restart Tuesday (10-15-12) at 1pm. Make sure you are tuned in and support our student DJs. Remember you can interact with our DJs live by going to our chatroom.

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Homecoming Contest This Weekend

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It’s homecoming week and we are getting pumped for the big game on Saturday. We want to see your topper pride and you have a chance to win free stuff while you show it. Take a photo of yourself enjoying the homecoming festivities (tailgating, inflatables, in the stands during the game, etc) this Saturday and post it on our Facebook page. We will select a random winner (or two) to get a WGLZ prize pack. Have a fun and safe weekend and show that topper pride!

New DJ blogs

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Our DJs are getting more comfortable on the air and their blog posts are getting better too. Have you checked out this weeks round of blogs from our student DJs? Just visit their page (links found in the on air tab) and scroll down to the bottom. Go see what our DJs are all about and leave them some feedback!