Eli Lambi signed up for WGLZ’s College Radio Day

Yet another talented musician has signed up for WGLZ’s College Radio Day “live” performances.  You can see and hear Eli’s performance at 3:00 p.m. in the College Union on Thursday, October 1st.  Eli Lambi

Don’t forget WGLZ will be giving away some great local gift certificates.  Donate $1 to the Grow Ohio Valley organization for your chance to win!

If you are a soloist, or are in a band and want to participate in WGLZ’s special College Radio Day live performances, let us know!



The Primatives

Don’t miss the special musical performance by “The Primatives” live in the College Union on Thursday, October 1st at 8:00 p.m. for WGLZ’s College Radio Day!

The Primatives

The music by “The Primatives” features the songs written and performed by Jesse Hanson (guitar), Lila Hanson (silver flute and mrdanga) and Thierry Phillips (keyboard, electric bass, and mandolin).


WGLZ is excited to hear this special performance from “The Primatives” and all of our other musicians on October 1st!  Keep it tuned to 91.5 FM for more information!!

You Can Win!

On Thursday, October 1st WGLZ will be giving away some great gift certificates during College Radio Day.  If you would like a chance to win, donate $1.  Proceeds benefit the Grow Ohio Valley non-profit organization.   WGLZ would like to thank the River CityRiver City Restaurant and Conference Center in Wheeling for their gift certificate donation.

Keep listening for other great chances to win on WGLZ!