General Reminders and Information for Summer Housing
- Housing will be billed by weekly rates only; charges will be applied directly to your student account. For students employed on campus or enrolled in summer classes, the summer rates are reduced to half price at $59.00 per week through June 30th. Rates beginning July 1st will be determined at a later date. If you are not enrolled for summer classes, or working on campus, the rate is $133 per week through June 30th. Rates beginning July 1st will be determined at a later date. Please note a summer internship requires that you are enrolled in the summer internship class to apply this discount. All summer housing will be in Beta Hall on the specified summer housing floors, with the exception of those already on a 12-month lease plan in an apartment.
- All students in spring housing that will be staying for summer will be required to move at a specified date after May 16th. For at least the first week of summer, you will remain in your current housing location in order to have the summer housing area properly cleaned.
- Any student who does not live in campus housing for the spring, but wishes to move in for the summer, will be able to move in on May 17th after 1pm.
- Residents with 12-month leases for the spring semester will be able to remain in their spring housing assignment through June 31. Residents with 12-month leases for the fall semester will be able to move into their fall housing assignment beginning on July 1st. Residents with 12-month leases for both spring and the following fall will be able to remain in their regular housing assignment for the full summer.
- Residents staying for the first summer term will be given extended stay through Commencement weekend.
- All residents in summer housing in August will move to their Fall housing placement between July 25th and July 27th.
- Any resident not in fall housing will be required to be moved out of summer housing by July 26th.
- Meal plans are not provided for summer housing. Campus dining facilities will have limited hours through the summer months.
If you have questions, please contact the Housing & Residence Life Office at or (304)336-8345.