November 2022 Calendar of Events:
International Education Month 36×24-2022-full-month-v3
MAC Lounge Fine Arts Building, side entrance across from College Hall
College Union Student Leadership Center (Former Alumni Room)
West Liberty Methodist/Presbyterian Church 557 Van Meter Way West Liberty WV
Fine Arts Building /Kelly Theatre
Quadrangle (Quad) /Indoor Practice Field (next to Beta Hall)
Blatnik Gym
Elbin Library
Krise Hall
Tuesday November 1st
Dept. of Media Visual Arts, Visual Contemporary Culture Lecture Series (VCCS)
Dr. Zdanowicz, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, Poland
Dr. Domagalski, Jan Kochanowski Univeristy of Kielce, Poland
3-4:30 pm MAC Lounge (Fine Arts Building)
“…Polish precursors of avant-garde art…” (VCCS)
Wednesday November 2nd
Noon-1:00 pm College Union Student Leadership Center
3-4:30 pm MAC Lounge
“Seeing the sound-hearing the image…” (VCCS)
Thursday November 3rd
3-4:30 pm MAC Lounge
“The art of sound-toward a multisensory experience” (VCCS)
Monday November 7
9:00 am Blatnik Gym
“Rules & History of Cricket”
Prof. Kathleen Wack, Ayesha Rizwan, Fin Woodward
12:00 pm-1:30 College Union Student Leadership Center
“Japanese Musical Instrument: Shakuhachi”
Devon Osamu Tipp
4:00 pm-5:30 pm West Liberty Methodist/Presbyterian Church
“Weaving Across Cultures”
Beverly West & Diann Nickerson
Tuesday November 8
11:00 am-1:00 pm College Union Ballroom
“International Tea Time” Rollie Williams International Center/SPICES
“Japanese Tea Ceremony” Manami Kawazoe
Wednesday November 9
9:00-10:00 am Quad or Indoor Practice Field (Rain location)
Cricket Demonstration/Match
Prof. Wack, Ayesha Rizwan, Fin Woodward
3:00-4:30 MAC Lounge
“Between images, words and sounds…” (VCCS)
5:00-6:00 Krise Hall Lobby
Marie LeMaire, Sharon Chen, Cornelia Raum
Thursday November 10
3:00-4:30 pm MAC Lounge
“Art in the context of socio and cultural situation of woman…” (VCCS)
7:00-8:00 pm West Liberty Methodist/Presbyterian Church
WLU Campus Ministries
Friday November 11
9:00-10:00 am Quad or Indoor Practice Field (Rain location)
Cricket Demonstration/ Match
Prof Wack, Ayesha Rizwan, Fin Woodward
Monday November 14
1:00-2:00 pm College Union Student Leadership Center
“Breaking down Russian stereotypes”
Viktoria Drobot
3:00-4:30 MAC Lounge
“Contemporary art and gender studies” (VCCS)
Tuesday November 15
3:00-4:30 MAC Lounge
“Queer art in the context of the socio and cultural situation of sexual minorities…” (VCCS)
6:00-8:00 pm Thanksgiving around the World Dinner West Liberty Methodist/Presbyterian Church
WLU Campus Ministries, Student Life, RW International Center
Wednesday November 16
3:00-4:30 MAC Lounge
“Contemporary art of Africa, South and North America in the context of postcolonial studies.” (VCCS)
5:00 pm-6:00pm College Union Student Leadership Center
“Onigiri: Japanese Rice Ball Workshop”
Manami Kawazoe
Thursday November 17
2:00-3:00 pm College Union Student Leadership Center
“Korean Games”
Prof. Moonjung Kang
2:00-3:00 Elbin Library Room 309
“Revisiting the Ebonics Debate In The Wake of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Movement: How To Dismantle Language Barriers in The Classroom and Beyond.”
Dr. Monique Akassi
4:00-5:00 pm Fine Arts Building 326
African Drum & Dance Ensemble
Prof. Mitch Greco
Saturday November 19
5:00 pm Kelly Theatre
World Music Ensemble Showcase Concert
Sunday November 20
International Transgender Day of Remembrance
TBA/Quad Event
Monday November 21
12:00-1:00 pm College Union Student Leadership Center
“Exploring global business environment: virtual exchanges between Appalachia and Himalaya.”
Dr. Vishakha Maskey
Tuesday November 22
7:00-8:00pm College Union Student Leadership Center
Japanese Manga/Anime Workshop
Manami Kawazoe
Monday November 28
1:00-2:30 College Union Student Leadership Center
“Our Covid Adventures: The Chronicles of the Koegler Family as they toured India March 2020”
Mr. Jason Koegler
3:00-4:00 pm College Union Student Leadership Center
“Everything is Connected: Explaining the Increase in Global Inflation.”
Dr. Brian Fitzpatrick
Tuesday November 29
7:00-10:00 pm West Liberty Methodist/Presbyterian Church
“Cookies Around the World”
WL Campus Ministries, Student Life, RW International Center
Wednesday November 30
10:00-12:00 pm College Union Student Leadership Center
Study in Germany: University of Wurzburg and CBYX Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange Program