The West Liberty Campus Woods trails include 2 miles of cleared trails in the Campus Woods property of the campus. The trails may be accessed from the Commons area of campus or off Weidman Run Road.
Trails may be accessed at your own risk.
- The WLU trails are unsupervised. All visitors are responsible for their own safety. WLU is not responsible for injuries, damages, or theft.
- Always carry sufficient water and wear appropriate clothing, protective gear, and footwear.
- Be aware of natural hazards (dead trees, wildlife, rocks, running water, etc.).
- In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1. Trails are accessible from Weidman Run Road and Residence Drive.
Trail Rules
- No new trails are to be blazed, cut or otherwise established.
- Pets must be leashed at all times. Please clean up after your pet.
- Hunting, trapping, fishing, retrieval and gathering activities are not allowed.
- Removal or destruction of any object (plant, animal, rock or artifact) is prohibited.
- Possession or consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages is not allowed on the trails.
- Camping is not permitted on the trails.
- No fires are allowed on the trails without authorization.
- Fireworks are prohibited on the trails.
- Unauthorized weapons are prohibited on the trails.
- No motorized vehicles of any kind are permitted on the trails.
- Trails are accessible from dawn until dusk daily, year-round.
Leave No Trace
West Liberty University follows the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace:
- Plan ahead and prepare – Know and follow the above rules, plan appropriately for the weather, hazards, and emergencies, use a map and a compass if necessary.
- Travel on durable surfaces – Stay on the trails; stepping off could hurt the plants and could be dangerous.
- Dispose of waste properly – Keep the outdoors clean and beautiful; take any trash with you.
- Leave what you find – Enjoy the trails but leave any plants, rocks, and wildlife as you find them; take only pictures.
- Minimize the risk of a forest fire – No smoking or fires on the trails.
- Respect wildlife – Observe wildlife from an appropriate distance; do not approach or follow wildlife; do not attempt to feed wildlife; control pets at all times or leave them at home.
- Be considerate of others – Share the trails and be courteous; yield to other visitors when necessary.