Graduate Programs

Master of Science or Arts

in Biology

Research Labs

Joseph Horzempa – microbiology, microbial pathogenesis, natural products research to discover novel antimicrobial therapeutics, vaccine research.  List of Horzempa’s publications.
Deanna Schmitt – microbiology, investigation of resazomycins, a novel family of antibiotics.  List of Schmitt’s recent publications.
Stuart Cantlay – microbiology, microbial cell biology, viable but not culturable Francisella tularensis.  List of Cantlay’s publications.
Zachary Loughman – crayfish conservation & taxonomy, herpetology, ecology.  List of Loughman’s publications.
Holly Racine – craniosynostosis.  List of Racine’s publications.
Nicole Garrison – bioinformatics, spider biology and phylogenetics.  List of Garrison’s publications
Matthew McKinney – ecology, taxonomy, entomology.  List of McKinney’s publications.
Zackary Graham – Zoology, animal communication, evolution.  List of Graham’s publications.
James Wood – stream ecology, plant ecology.  List of Wood’s publications.
Jeremy Dann – invasive species, ecology, evolution.  List of Dann’s publications.

Program Options Overview

The traditional MS in Biology is a 30 credit hour program. Students take 14 credit hours of graded biology coursework, the option for independent study, and a traditional thesis. 

  • Students must complete at least 30 hours of biology graduate coursework, including the thesis. A maximum of 9 credit hours may be earned for the thesis.
  • Candidates for the MS degree must register for and participate in Graduate Seminar (seminar will be 1 credit hour per semester) each semester, except the thesis semester, while they are actively enrolled in the graduate program. No more than 3 credit hours of seminar may be used to complete the 30 credit hour requirement.
  • Students must complete 14 credit hours in graded graduate biology courses including BIO510 Graduate Research Skills.
  • Students may take up to 9 credit hours of “Independent Study” per semester. However, no more than 4 credit hours in “Independent Study” may be used to complete the 30 credit hour requirement. Moreover, these Independent Study credits may only be applied beyond the required 14 credit hours in graded biology graduate courses.
  • Successful completion of the graduate program in biology requires a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and no more than 6 credit hours of “C” grades may be applied to the total hours for graduation. Upon completion of course requirements and the thesis, MS candidates must pass an oral thesis defense.
  • Download the MS in Biology, Traditional Curriculum Guide.

The traditional MA in Biology provides a bridge program for students desiring coursework at the graduate level to prepare them for more competitive professional school entrance or for advancement in the workplace. Coursework in the traditional MA in Biology can be selected from a variety of dual-listed electives to allow focusing of study as needed. The use of dual-listed courses (upper-level courses in undergraduate biology offered with differentiated learning at the 500-level to graduate students) allows maximum efficiency in programming without any detriment to the undergraduate student population.

  • Students who select the MA option must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate coursework. MA students must take Graduate Seminar (1 credit per semester) during each semester they are actively enrolled in the program. No more than 4 credit hours of the seminar may be used to complete the 30 MA in Biology credit hour requirement.
  • MA students must complete a minimum of 26 credit hours of graded biology graduate coursework. No more than 6 credit hours of “C” grades may be applied to the total hours for graduation.
  • MA candidates do not conduct thesis research.
  • Successful completion of the graduate program in biology requires a GPA of 3.0 or higher and a comprehensive examination score of 75% or higher. Students may take the comprehensive examination a total of two times to achieve or surpass the minimum score.
  • Download the MA in Biology, Tradition Curriculum Guide.

3+2 MS in Biology allows undergraduate students to be admitted as freshmen to the combined program; the accepted students will take a slightly heavier (17-18 credit hour) course load per semester for the first three years of study. From the standard undergraduate coursework, these students will be allowed to count 14 credit hours of dual-listed courses toward the bachelor’s and master’s degree enabling them to complete all undergraduate and graduate requirements, including thesis, in a 5-year timespan.

  • Students must complete at least 30 hours of biology graduate coursework, including the thesis. A maximum of 9 credit hours may be earned for the thesis.
  • Candidates for the MS degree must register for and participate in Graduate Seminar (seminar will be 1 credit hour per semester) each semester, except the thesis semester, while they are actively enrolled in the graduate program. No more than 3 credit hours of seminar may be used to complete the 30 credit hour requirement.
  • Students must complete 14 credit hours in graded graduate biology courses including BIO510 Graduate Research Skills.
  • Students may take up to 9 credit hours of “Independent Study” per semester. However, no more than 4 credit hours in “Independent Study” may be used to complete the 30 credit hour requirement. Moreover, these Independent Study credits may only be applied beyond the required 14 credit hours in graded biology graduate courses.
  • Successful completion of the graduate program in biology requires a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and no more than 6 credit hours of “C” grades may be applied to the total hours for graduation. Upon completion of course requirements and the thesis, MS candidates must pass an oral thesis defense.
  • Download the MS in Biology, 3 + 2 Curriculum Guide.

Your Future in Biology

The applied knowledge and experience gained through the MS in Biology will prepare students for continued education through Biology PhD program matriculation. Obtaining the MS in Biology will significantly increase the likelihood that a student will be accepted into, and successfully complete a quality PhD program.

Students who complete the MS in Biology from West Liberty University will be qualified to work as research technicians in many of the research intensive universities in the surrounding areas, such as the University of Pittsburgh and West Virginia University.

Over 30 job openings for positions involving biological research at the University of Pittsburgh that require a Master’s degree and 29 at The Ohio State University were identified. These openings indicate that in the local area, there is a substantial need for more individuals with graduate-level training in the biological sciences.

Completion of an MS in Biology from West Liberty University will qualify students for careers in industry working in laboratories at pharmaceutical, biotechnology, or biomedical companies. A recent search of using Master’s in Biology as the search terms revealed over 1000 jobs, while the quoted phrase “Master’s degree in biology” revealed 131.

The education attained by completing the MA in Biology curriculum will substantially prepare students planning to enter professional programs such as medical school. These students will have shown that they are capable of completing graduate courses with the level of rigor associated with medical and other professional schools.

This will be especially helpful for students with identified academic challenges in the undergraduate background, as admission boards are more likely to accept these students when presented with evidence that they have had success beyond the undergraduate level.

The students achieving an MS or MA in biology from West Liberty University will be qualified to teach biology courses as an instructor at the collegiate level, or to begin a professional career that requires a graduate degree. For instance, thirty-six openings posted on “The Chronicle of Higher Education” were identified for instructor positions at colleges and universities that require a Master’s degree in biology.

Students who attain a Master’s degree in biology represent the preferred pool of applicants for a multitude of careers in the environmental sciences as well. State Departments of Natural Resources, Departments of Environmental Protection, Forestry Departments in addition to environmental non-profit organizations and private environmental consulting firms all prefer to hire applicants who have completed the requirements for a Master’s degree in biology over individuals lacking a graduate degree.

A job search conducted on 15 January 2016 on the Texas A&M Environmental Jobs Board found that nationally all full-time positions (n = 26) with both leadership roles and salaries above $40K/year required an MS in Biology or related fields. Federal employment in the U. S. Forest Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Environmental Protection Agency is ceilinged for individuals lacking a graduate degree, and limited primarily to technician positions.

Acquisition of a Master’s degree enables access to higher paying positions that often deal with environmental policy, regulation, and major national decisions. Acquisition of a Master’s degree at WLU will enable our graduates to join this workforce.


To learn more about the coast of our programs, please visit the Business Office Webpage.


Cost of Attendance

Please Note: This is based on being enrolled in 12 credit hours for the year.

2023-2024 MA/MS BIOLOGY Financial Aid Cost of AttendanceIn-State Off-CampusIn-State On Campus
Tuition & Fees$7,140$7,140
Food and Housing$10,720$12,054
Books & Supplies$762$762
Personal Expenses$1,542$1,542
Transportation Expenses$3,193$2,448
Federal Student Loan Fees$2,889$2,889
2023-2024 MA/MS BIOLOGY Financial Aid Cost of AttendanceOut-of-State Off CampusOut-of-State On Campus
Tuition & Fees$8,340$8,340
Food and Housing$10,720$12,054
Books & Supplies$762$762
Personal Expenses$1,542$1,542
Transportation Expenses$3,193$2,448
Federal Student Loan Fees$2,889$2,889


For more information please visit the Business Office Website

Percent Change in Employment 2028

Biological TechniciansBiological Technicians7%

Life, Physical and Soc. Sci. Tech.Life, Physical and Soc. Sci. Tech.6%

All OccupationsAll Occupations5%


Employment of biological technicians is projected to grow 7% from 2018 to 2028, faster than the average for all occupations.

Greater demand for biological and medical research is expected to increase the need for these workers.


Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the MS in Biology (MS Biology 3+2, MS Biology Traditional, MS Biology Zoo Science option), graduates will be able to:

    • Demonstrate an in-depth mastery of field-specific advanced concepts in biological sciences and/or non-clinical biomedical sciences. [MSO1]
    • Conduct research in a laboratory and/or field settings using appropriate basic equipment and discipline-specific techniques. [MSO2]
    • Apply biometric principles to experimental design, and to the analysis and interpretation of data. [MSO3]
    • Effectively communicate research and findings in a professional context (oral & written). [MSO4]
    • Demonstrate independent scientific thinking. [MSO5]
    • Design and implement an original research project. [MSO6]
    • Effectively write papers suitable for publication and/or proposals suitable for funding. [MSO7]

Upon completion of the MA in Biology (Traditional and Zoo Science option), graduates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an in-depth mastery from a range of fundamental biological concepts and subjects, including cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, evolution and ecology, and principles of conservation biology. [MAO1]
  • Critically review and analyze primary literature. [MAO2]
  • Effectively communicate scientific ideas in both written and oral formats. [MAO3]
  • Demonstrate independent scientific thinking. [MAO4]

Application Process

All applicants must provide a complete application file, which contains the following items to be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies:

  1. STEP 1 – Complete the online application for admission to the program.
  2. STEP 2 – Have all official transcripts and test scores sent to the Office of Graduate Studies (208 University Drive, CUB 192, West Liberty, WV 26074).
    Please note: West Liberty University graduates do not need to provide transcripts.
  3. STEP 3 – Check the status of your recommendations by emailing
  4. STEP 4 – Once you have a complete application, your file will be reviewed by the admission committee. Check on the status of your application at any time through your admissions portal.

For additional questions regarding the application process, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies at 304-336-8015.

Find out more about the MA/MS in Biology

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