=Black and Gold Day @ WLU=
The College of Education provides outstanding and practical major and minor programs for both formal and informal educators, athletic trainers, and exercise physiologists. We were very pleased to see and talk with such a diverse group of prospective students and parents. Special thanks to Dr. Rhonda Noble, Chair of Department of Health and Human Performance, Mr. Earl Nicodemus, Associate Professor of Instructional Technology, Dr. Miriam Roth Douglas, Director of Community Education, and Ms. Nicole Davis, Instructor of Early/Special Education, for representing the College of Education in this event at WLU. Please browse our Website to learn more about our College!
=Series of Professional Technology Workshops=
The Technology Teaching Assistant Program at the College of Education offers a series of professional development workshops/presentations relative to innovative technology, and all campus community members are welcome to attend! The workshop on Wednesday was coordinated by Dr. Li-Wei Peng, Associate Professor of Instructional Technology and presented by the Graduate Technology Teaching Assistant, Christy Cianelli. A productive discussion towards educational innovation and design for evaluation occurred between Dr. Miriam Douglas, Director of Community Education at WLU, Nathan Blake, Owner and Communications Director of Redbeard Communications, Alice Eastman, Director of the Schrader Environmental Center, and Faith Hicks, Northern Panhandle Chapter Coordinator of the Gabriel Project of West Virginia, Inc. in the Digital Badges workshop. The Outdoor Education App workshop provided the participants with in-depth information on Project Noah and inspiration about lifelong and technology-enriched community learning experience. Please see the Upcoming Events section for the coming iPad workshop information.
=Exciting News about Athletic Training Program=
Hannah Harnar, Instructor of Athletic Training, coordinated with the Athletic Training Club to host a professional Massage-a-Thon in the ASRC Athletic Training classroom. This community-minded event encouraged participants to bring in canned good items (non-perishable), and each item was redeemable for 1-minute massage. The cans will be donated to a local food bank. Please also see the beautiful logo installed in the new Athletic Training Education room!!
=Field Trip at the Oglebay Park=
Dr. Miriam Douglas, Assistant Professor of Community Education, and her CEP 422: Outdoor Learning Spaces class participated in a field trip to the Schrader Environmental Center at Oglebay Park. During this trip, students met the Director of the Schrader Environmental Education Center, Alice Eastman. The students learned about possible risks and/or hazards one has to be aware of when designing an outdoor learning space for lifelong learners. During their tour through the woods, students explored the outdoors and got inspired to think creatively about possible outdoor learning spaces for any kind of subject areas/majors (e.g., Community Arts, Outdoor Education, Museum Education, Sports, Recreation, and Wellness, Educational Leadership in Faith Organizations, Disabilities Services, etc.). After this inspirational field-trip, students are now working on designing their own outdoor learning spaces for a variety of locations (e.g., Serenity garden for a local church, Learning Space at the Schrader Center, Outdoor learning space at WLU/Library, Children’s Museum of the Ohio Valley, Madison Elementary, South Wheeling Community Garden, etc.).
=Relay Of Life of West Liberty University=
Morgan Wagner, one of our Community Education major, is involved with American Cancer Society Relay for Life of WLU and would like to put together a “Community Education Program” group for this event — anyone can be part of this group (BA Community Education student or not). Please contact Morgan Wagner (mcwagner@westliberty.edu) if you are interested or for more information!
=hAPPy Friday Tools/Apps Learning=
Strip Designer can be a powerful design/composition tool with applications beyond just comics. For instance, Social Study teachers have integrated this app into a WWII lesson letting pupils to create a timeline in the app Strip Designer. Strip Designer includes features, such as warped and perspective text (even 3D), Dropbox and WebDAV photo, fonts, and document download/upload support. Users can publish their creations on Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter or export to PDF to create real books. Please watch a tutorial video to learn a quick how-to.