=M.A.ED. Emphasis Feature: Advanced Teaching=
West Liberty University offers a 36 credit hour course of study (face-to-face or online) at the West Liberty Highlands Center leading to a Master of Arts in Education degree (M.A. Ed.). The Advanced Teaching Emphasis is designed to help the candidate examine and enhance professional practice. Any individual involved in education (public and private sector) as a part of their profession, may benefit from this track. Special emphasis is placed on educational philosophy and curriculum design. You can view the complete Planning Check Sheet and gain a better understanding of all the courses through the Graduate Course Descriptions (page 213 – 218). Contact Mr. Rick West, Director of the Graduate Program, at 304-336-8478 or richard.west@westliberty.edu and we will be happy to answer all of your questions!
=Athletic Training Capitol Hill Day=
Over 100 athletic training students and professionals throughout West Virginia participated in Capitol Hill Day, in Charleston WV, on Thursday. West Liberty AT students and faculty/staff represented the Northern Panhandle, educating senators and delegates from their respective districts about the profession. Currently, West Virginia is working towards obtaining licensure for athletic training. The students were able to learn and understand the process of law making at the state level, and play the role of an active lobbyist for their future profession. Pictured L to R: Dr. David Hanna (Program Director), Michaela Hawkins (junior), Leanna McMillen (junior), Kayla Henderson (junior), Amber Helphenstine (staff ATC), Jerry Duncan (Faculty ATC), Sam Cook (junior), Amy Webster (junior), Hannah Harnar (Faculty ATC), and Herb Minch (Clinical Coordinator).
=Local History of West Liberty=
Mr. Earl Nicodemus, Associate Professor of Instructional Technology, published articles on Weelunk, Wheeling’s on-line newspaper. As indicated on Weelunk’s Website, “What we’re really about is making Wheeling a great place to live and work. As a website, our role is to provide people with an honest accounting of what’s current, and the tools, connections, and information they need to shape future happenings.” Please enjoy the local history of West Liberty: “Storytelling: Court Day in West Liberty” and “The Mostly True Story of Simon Girty.”
=Digital Badge Ecosystem Supporting Out-of-School Learning=
Our faculty, Dr. Li-Wei Peng and Dr. Miriam Roth Dogulas, and graduate student, Christy Cianelli, visited the Digital Badge Lab at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – East Liberty to discuss the lab development and use of digital badges supporting out-of-school learning goals. The Labs @ CLP and the Digital Crops shared ideas and tips for developing badge systems for teens at the library and other possible assessments.
=Square Dance=
Students were hootin’ and hollerin’ as Bob Tomlinson from Oglebay Institute called an old-fashioned square dance during Mrs. Kathleen Wack’s PE 117 class.
=United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley=
Our Community Education faculty, Dr. Miriam Roth Douglas, and students, Olivia Best, Ashley Edgell, Morgan Wagner, Jessica Zeigler, and Stella Bryant volunteered their time to be part of the 2015 Allocations Panels for the community service. These Panels are made up of more than 50 volunteers from the area, who will make recommendations to the volunteer United Way Board of Directors on how the campaign proceeds are to be distributed.
=Study Abroad in Germany=
The WV Higher Education Policy Commission led by West Liberty University sponsored a study abroad trip to Germany from July 1 to 16, 2015. This trip is mainly led by the Director of Community Education, Dr. Miriam Roth Douglas, to explore the culture and community in Germany. Knowledge of the German language is not required. Limited number of spaces available only. Interested students please see the Poster and contact Dr. Miriam Roth Douglas at miriam.douglas@westliberty.edu for further information and application. To ensure participation, application and $600 deposit is due on March 15, 2015.
=hAPPy Friday Tools/Apps Learning=
Phonics Genius is a free app including over 6,000 words grouped by phonics sounds. Users can customize the word bank to fit the specific needs of the learners. Learners can record themselves and then compare their pronunciation to the app speaker. This app has been integrated into a lesson for the beginning readers ages 1-6, students with learning disability, and English language learners. Watch a brief Tutorial Video to learn a quick how-to.