=Program Feature: Community Education=
The Community Education Program gives students the option to select one of six wide-ranging, interdisciplinary majors that expand learning and knowledge of children and adult learners outside the realm of traditional classrooms into the community. Please see the Plans of Study for the 2-Year and 3-Year Community Education cohorts and watch an informative Introductory Video. For more information, please contact: Director of Community Education, Dr. Miriam Roth Douglas, at 304-336-8561 and miriam.douglas@westliberty.edu.
- Community Arts
- Disabilities Services
- Educational Leadership in Faith Organizations
- Museum Education
- Outdoor Education
- Sports, Recreation, and Wellness
=Technologies and Resources at Center for Arts and Education=
The Center for Arts and Education is now the central and unique place for our faculty and students in the College of Education to access and check out the technology facilities and all other instructional materials, such as iPads, laminator, GigaPan, sewing machines, etc. Please visit and bookmark Center’s Technologies and Resources page for your reference.
=Performance Assessments Training=
Our faculty, Ms. Margy Bungard, Mrs. JoJo Ullom, Dr. Traci Tuttle, Ms. Nicole Davis, and graduate student Anastasia N. Durdines (from left to right), participated in the Performance Assessments Training at Stonewall Jackson from January 21 to 22. The WV State Department of Education invited West Liberty to participate in this project; seniors in the Education Program will pilot two different performance-based assessments, one from the Pearson company, and one from Educational Testing Services (ETS). The purpose of the performance assessments is to judge learner’s abilities to apply specific knowledge and research skills in a hands-on platform.
=Alumni Questionnaires=
Our alumni can build professional networks with our community! We hope to keep track of our alumni, and also allow our faculty, students, and friends to see where our outstanding alumni are and what they are doing. Additionally, we welcome our alumni to share information on the professional development workshop opportunities they offer with us. Please visit our Alumni and Contact Us webpages for the information and questionnaire forms.
=hAPPy Friday Tools/Apps Learning=
Signed Stories apps are free literacy tools for schools and families on both iPhone and iPad. It has dyslexia-friendly caption settings. Every story is animated. Readers can watch stories without Wi-Fi after download. Stories are carefully selected with the guidance of education professionals to support teachers working to Common Core State Standards and the ECERS-R scale. The series of apps received 2013 CSI and the Webby awards. Watch a brief Tutorial Video to learn a quick how-to.