The College of Education & Human Performance faculty represents many disciplines, many strategies, and many visions. By bringing together a diverse group that is able to build a strong and collaborative learning community through different perspectives, the College of Education is able to create new and innovative classroom for students in the 21st century.
Dr. Miriam Roth Douglas
Professor of Education/Community Education Director 308A Main HallCommunity EducationBiography
Ph.D. West Virginia University, Education/Curriculum, Literacy, and Cultural Studies
M.A. West Virginia University, Foreign Languages
M.A. University of Bamberg (Germany), Elementary Education/Art Education
B.A. University of Bamberg (Germany), Elementary Education/Art Education
Professional Experiences
West Virginia University, Adjunct Instructor
Fulda University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Instructor
West Virginia University, Office for Diversity & Global Initiatives Graduate Assistant
West Virginia University, Department of World Languages, Literatures & Linguistics Graduate Teaching Assistant
Leuphana University (Germany), Lecturer of German
St. Francis Elementary School, German Teacher
Fulbright International Educational Exchange Program, Fulbright Scholar
Most Recent Publications and Presentations
Germany: Land of Fairy Tales, Romantic Roads, and Much More…
2014, International Education Month, West Liberty, WV
Community Education – Return, Rediscover, Reconnect
2014, Big Ideas, Wheeling, WV
Phenomenological Inquiry
2014, College of Human Resources & Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies, SCFD 782: Nature of Inquiry, Morgantown, WV
The Reggio Emilia Approach – A Link to Community Education as well as Formal & Non-Formal Learning Spaces & Environments?!
2014, Language of Joy Conference, Morgantown, WV
Creativity & Education. A Mutually Exclusive Paradox?
2013, WV Art Education Association Conference, West Liberty, WV
The Arts-Integrated Curriculum (AIC) in a Rural Appalachian Elementary School in WV and its Positive Impacts
2013, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA
Understanding the Sandy Hook School Tragedy
2013, Lyon Tower’s Blue and Gold, Morgantown, WV
Phenomenological Inquiry
2012, College of Human Resources & Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies, SCFD 782: Nature of Inquiry, Morgantown, WV
The Arts-Integrated Curriculum (AIC) in an Elementary School in Rural Appalachia (WV) and its Impacts on Participants
2012, Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Annual Conference/Summit, The Global Summit on Childhood, Washington, DC
The Arts-Integrated Curriculum (AIC) and its Possible Impact on the Self-Concepts of Adolescent Girls and their Perceptions of Beauty: A Phenomenological Study
2011, College of Human Resources & Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies, Morgantown, WV
Teach Arts Integration. Description of a Picture – Basic Steps
2011, College of Human Resources & Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies, C&I/EDUC 414: Promoting Creative Expression in Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms, Morgantown, WV
Phenomenology – a Methodological Research Framework
2011, College of Human Resources & Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies, SCFD 783: Nature of Inquiry, Morgantown, WV
Der Opheliakult und seine Entwicklung: Das Opheliamotiv in europäischer Kunst und Literatur
[The Ophelia Cult and its Development: The Ophelia Motif in European Art and Literature]
2010, Publication of Marter’s Thesis, Saarbrücken, Germany
Doctoral Student Panel. Doctoral Students Share Their Journey Through Their Programs
2010, College of Human Resources & Education, Office for Diversity & Global Initiatives, Tea at Three Discussion Series, Morgantown, WV
Lesson in Second Life. Description of a Picture –Basic Steps
2010, Guest appearance at the College of Human Resources & Education, Department of Curriculum & Instruction/ Literacy Studies, “Brown Bag” Friday Noon Colloquium Sessions, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Snow White… born in Lohr am Main in Germany?
2010, Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, Foreign Language Department, FLIT 293O SPTP: German Fairy Tales Class, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Perception of Professional Development School Partnership at West Virginia University, Co-presented
2010, Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO
Professors and Students Interested in a Fulbright? Come to Talk to Those that have Received the Award!
2010, College of Human Resources & Education, Office for Diversity & Global Initiatives, Tea at Three Discussion series, Morgantown, WV