=Faculty Research Grant Awards=
Congratulations! Our faculty Dr. Ryan Koenig (Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology) and Mr. Abu Ma’afala (Instructor of Exercise Physiology) were each awarded a West Liberty University Faculty Research Grant this year. Dr. Koenig’s research project is titled Effects of Eccentric-Exercise-Induced Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness on Cognitive Function in College Students. “We will test whether the participants’ ability to perform cognitive tasks is compromised when they are sore by having them complete some basic memory and cognition tests before and after the downhill running. Results will be compared to a control group that will run uphill, which does not typically cause DOMS.” The specific aim of Mr. Ma’afala’s project is to determine whether or not Functional Movement Screen education will influence the maintenance of corrective exercises beyond the time of program implementation.
=Field Trip @ Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh=
The College of Education sponsored an exciting field trip for our senior Elementary Education majors. Students in our “Elementary Block” experienced a day of creation, learning, and fun at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. The museum was founded in 1983 and it currently includes a wide variety of programs for children in fields of dance, robot, pottery, Japanese paper cutting, animation, and painting, etc. As described the website, “Our permanent exhibits are based on the philosophy of Play with Real Stuff where students of all ages are encouraged to find their own answers through hands-on exploration in art and science.” Our faculty and students learned, created, and played with real things and real processes that are concrete and relevant. This type of hands-on creative play and exploration is an excellent way to encourage divergent thinking and innovative learning in out-of-school environments.
=Student Teacher Mock Interviews=
This week, all of the student teachers experienced a real-life mock interview for fictitious teaching positions. In addition to faculty, area teachers and administrators participated in the mock interviews as reviewers. Mr. Kenneth Sexton, Clinical Supervisor Coordinator, expressed his sincere THANK YOU to all the professionals: “I cannot tell you how much we appreciate all of you giving up your evening to assist with the mock interviews for the student teachers. At the end of the semester evaluation, the mock interviews always rank as the most beneficial activity (during the Senior Seminar). The interviews would not be possible without your continual support.”
=Teach Like a PIRATE=
Mr. Dave Burgess hosted a day-long workshop at Beaver Local School District in Ohio. The district superintendent extended an invitation to our students to participate. Mr. Burgess is the author of the book, Teach Like a PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator. Our students had a valuable experience in learning inspiration, practical techniques to better engage students and inspire passion. Senior Elementary Education major raved, “This was an incredible day-long workshop. I could listen to him speak all day long.”
=Handwriting Without Tears=
Mrs. Paula Heinricher, a national trainer with the Handwriting Without Tears program, conducted a Handwriting Without Tears ® K-5 Grade workshop to our senior Elementary Education majors and several area educators on Friday, December 5th. The Handwriting without Tears program is a multi-sesnory approach to teaching manuscript and cursive letter complete with songs, wooden pieces to create letters, and intentionally small pencils that force correct finger position.
=Healthy Partnership at St. Clairsville High School=
This semester, students Matt Cowser, Nick Wilson, and Shaun Black, as a part of West Liberty’s Health Methods and Materials course have been working with students at St. Clairsville High School on a special project. Our students, under the direction of Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education, Cathy Monteroso, have been working with high school students who are a members of SMART (Social Media and Responsible Texting) Club. The club worked with our College students on the development of programs dealing with real-life health issues impacting 7th-12th graders: sexting, texting and driving, and domestic (dating) violence. The program presented an opportunity for West Liberty student to get teaching experience and support next generation skills for the students of St. Clairsville High School. The object of the SMART program is to continue to educate one another.
=Follow-Up Survey Request=
Attention recent graduates! If you have graduated from our program leading to teacher licensure in the last three years, please help us by completing the following request on your current employment status. We are proud to be able to report high survey response and strong hiring rates to the state every year. Your help in providing accurate and up-to-date information allows us to continue that tradition. Thank you in advance for your help. You may access the survey at the following link: http://goo.gl/forms/pT0733sFc3 and direct your questions to Dr. Traci Tuttle, Associate Professor of Special Education and Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, at ttuttle@westliberty.edu.
=hAPPy Friday Tools/Apps Learning=
MoMA Art Lab is an app providing students at ages 7 and up with creative and inspiring experiences in using and producing fascinating artwork. With MoMA Art Lab, students can also investigate how modern artists use line, shape, and color, with examples from the Museum of Modern Art’s collection. Students can create and save their own artwork through using any of the 9 activities. Watch a condensed Tutorial Video to learn a quick how-to.