WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., July 24, 2015 — West Liberty University’s summer undergraduate researchers have been laboring for eight weeks, working on crayfish biodiversity, skull morphology, host microbe interactions and environmental chemistry.
The group of 15 science majors will present their findings in a final symposium from 10 a.m.-1 p.m., July 31. The event takes in the College Union.
Faculty mentors and students will give brief explanations of their work from 10-10:45 a.m. in the Alumni Room, then students will present posters illustrating their research in the ballroom area of the Union. Family members, faculty, and the public are invited to attend.
“Undergraduate research experiences such as this one are invaluable for developing science process skills, such as critical thinking and problem-solving, and for cultivating an interest in areas of science they previously had little experience,” said Dr. Karen Kettler, who is co-chair of the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at WLU and director of the summer research program.
“Many SURE students will continue their research throughout the fall and spring semesters,” she added.
SURE stands for summer undergraduate research experience and it offers students interested in a career or graduate school experience in the scientific disciplines the perfect chance to advance. Selected students work in research labs for eight weeks during the summer under the direction of a faculty research mentor.
Funded with support from the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission’s Division of Science and Research, Topper-SURE offers each student researcher a $3,000 stipend along with a valuable research experience for their resume.
Topper-Sure faculty mentors include: Assistant Professors of Biology Dr. Joseph Horzempa, Dr. Kettler, Dr. Zachary J. Loughman, Dr. Matthew Zdilla and Assistant Professor of Chemistry Dr. Douglas Swartz (also a departmental co-chair).
Student researchers at WLU this summer include: Edward Beaumont, Chester, W.Va.; Emily DeTemple, Casey Dolan and Alec Florjanczyk, Wheeling; Zachary Dillard, Craigsville, W.Va.; Scott Hatfield, Parkersburg, W.Va.; Jennifer Hickman, Paden City, W.Va.; David Howard, Charles Town, W.Va.; Troy Hubbard, Pine Grove, W.Va.; Kennedy McLean, Glen Easton, W.Va.; Caleb Martin, Saint Albans, W.Va.; Nicole Sadecky and Luke Sadecky, Ravenswood, W.Va.; Rachel Scott, Craigsville, W.Va. and Devin Sindeldecker, Rayland, Ohio.
For more information on the program, please visit the College of Sciences webpage. Or contact Dr. Kettler at 304-336-8070.
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