WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., March 3, 2017 — West Liberty University students majoring in the field of Social Work took part in the annual observation of Social Work Day at the Legislature recently.
Professor of Social Work Sheli Bernstein-Goff escorted the students to Charleston and introduced them to the workings of state government.
“It was a valuable experience for our students who saw first hand the Capitol and its workings,” said Bernstein-Goff, who also serves as a member of the West Virginia Advisory Committee of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.
“They met West Virginia Delegate Shawn Fluharty and United States Senator Shelley Moore Capito and enjoyed reaching out to our leaders on matters of important to West Virginia social workers and the people we serve. It was a wonderful experience,” she said.
Some of the issues the social workers back include family health care, childcare availability, jobs creation and investment in education.
All are part of the 2017 Legislative Platform entitled: Our Children, Our Future Campaign to End Child Poverty.
The annual legislature visit was organized by the West Virginia Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers for the purpose of advocating for a wide variety of social and educational issues. It was open to any social worker or social work major across the state.
“It is good for our students to be present and to be involved in policy, practice and advocacy as they study and prepare for their future careers,” she said.
The Bachelor of Science in Social Work degree is just one degree offered by WLU’s College of Liberal Arts. The program director is Dr. Sylvia Hawranick Senften. For more information, please contact her at 304.336.8089.
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