New regulations effective July 1, 2012 limits the receipt of a Pell Grant to a lifetime limit of up to 6 full-time years (600%). This includes community colleges, vocational schools and four year public and private universities. This limit will be tracked by the U.S. Department of Education.
Regardless of the Pell Grant amount, if you receive the full year amount then you have received 100%.
For example, your Pell Grant for the year is for $4,000 and you receive $2,000 in Fall, $1,000 in Spring and the remaining $1,000 in Summer. You have received the entire $4,000 or 100% for the year.
The 600% total eligibility applies at all schools and colleges. However, once you have earned a Bachelor’s Degree, you are no longer eligible for a Pell Grant even if you haven’t received the entire 600% eligibility. In addition, you must also meet and maintain satisfactory academic progress standards to remain eligible each year