Intellectual Capitol, the business incubator formed due to a partnership between Wheeling Academy of Law and Science (WALS) and West Liberty University’s Center for Entrepreneurship will host a day-long workshop, “Where to Start? An A to Z Presentation for Entrepreneurs,” on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014.

Entrepreneurs are shown here at a previous program held at the downtown location of the Intellectual Capitol.
‘We are working hard to provide the tools necessary to encourage any entrepreneur wishing to take creative ideas to the marketplace. Intellectual Capitol has the resources and we want to make building small businesses in our area as easy and as successful as possible,” said Dr. Carrie White, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship.
The program will be held from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Feb. 6, at the Intellectual Capitol, located in the First State Capitol, 1413 Eoff Street, Wheeling.
This agenda that day will offer all the essentials for a business startup and will host experts in the field of business, law, social media, marketing and accounting in order to answer questions first hand.
Following the program there will be a Mardi Gras-themed celebration and after party with hors d’oeuvres, cash bar and special music and entertainment.
“This is a great chance to meet experts and network too. We want to encourage entrepreneurs and help them build relationships that make them successful,” White said.
The cost of the daylong program is $99 and includes the after party. Tickets for the after party only will be available for $10. Special rates and scholarships are available for students.
Please contact White for tickets and information at 304-336-8159 or
West Liberty University’s Center for Entrepreneurship, a division of the Gary E. West College of Business, consists of three areas of opportunity for study and community outreach: a dynamic entrepreneurship curriculum, the Small and Family Business Program (SFBP) and the Intellectual Property and Innovation (IPI) Program.
Intellectual Capitol began its work last August and builds on the vision of attorney Patrick Cassidy, who along with his wife, educator Mary Ellen Cassidy, founded Wheeling Academy of Law and Science and the WALS Foundation over a decade ago.