Friendship is the greatest incentive the Greek community has to offer. This is your home away from home. Your brothers or sisters become your family. Activities such as Homecoming, recruitment and Rush Week, Greek Week, socials, and community service projects expand the opportunities of friendship. Do not miss your opportunity for friendship, loyalty, leadership, scholarship, involvement, and brotherhood and sisterhood.
Many of the basic principles of sororities and fraternities are essentially the same, yet each is distinct. Each group fulfills its own purpose and serves the needs of its individual members by developing effective programs in scholarship, campus and community service, and self-improvement. Whether it is through academics, friendships, community involvement, athletics, leadership experience, or just plain fun, being Greek at West Liberty University offers the unique opportunity to succeed in all areas of life.
- Alpha Xi Delta (national sorority) Twitter: @West_LibertXI
- Chi Omega (national sorority) Twitter: @ChiO_WLU
- Lambda Psi Sigma (local sorority) Twitter: @Lambda_WL
- Chi Nu (local fraternity) Twitter: @ChiNuFraternity
- Phi Delta Theta (national fraternity) Twitter: @PhiDeltWVG
- Kappa Delta Kappa (local fraternity) Twitter: @WestLiberty_KDK
- Theta Xi (national fraternity) Twitter: TBA