West Liberty University’s logo is the primary identifier of the institution. It is the face we present to our community and beyond. The consistent use of the West Liberty logo ensures the recognition of the university and all that encompasses:
Elements - Primary Mark

- Logo: stylized W and L with the swoosh underneath. This can be used alone or in combination with the wordmark.
- Wordmark (text and swoosh): The words West Liberty stacked over the swoosh and the word University.
- Logo and Wordmark Together: Primary Mark
- The Logo, Wordmark, Primary Mark and Secondary Marks may not be altered or recreated in any way.
- The development of any other logo to represent West Liberty University is strictly prohibited.
- The development of any logo to represent university activites or departments must be directly approved by the Office of Marketing and Brand Management.
Accepted Configurations of the Primary Mark
The horizontal primary mark is the preferred configuration. However, in order to accommodate various applications of the West Liberty marks, we have developed an alternative stacked configuration as well as inline variations of the wordmark in combination with the logo.

WLU Primary Mark – Horizontal Configuration (preferred)

Stacked – Used Infrequently

Logo and Inline Wordmark with Swoosh and Department
- Please note that all logo and wordmark configurations require clear space around and behind them for best presentation.
- Other logos, wordmarks or artwork can NOT be used in conjunction with any WLU logos or wordmarks.
Accepted Configurations of the Primary Mark - Colleges

Accepted Configurations of the Primary Mark - Departments

Accepted Secondary Marks
We have developed alternative secondary marks that incorporate just the logo or wordmark.

Accepted Secondary Marks for WLU - Gold Foil
We have developed alternative secondary marks that incorporate a gold foil.

Color Variations of the Primary Mark

The preferred use of the logo is black and gold (1) on a white or very light background. This version should be used whenever possible. The next preferred use of the logo is gold and white (5) When the two preferred versions are not feasible, then following variations (and only these variations) may be used:
- Black and Gold – Preferred Version Use on white or very light backgrounds
- Black only Use when full color is not allowed or the color palette is restricted; to achieve a design effect.
- Gray only Use when full color is not allowed or the color palette is restricted; to achieve a design effect.
- Gold only Use when the color palette is restricted; to achieve a design effect.
- White and Gold – Preferred Version Use on black or dark backgrounds
- White only Use when full color is not allowed or the color palette is restricted; to achieve a design effect.
The color variation standards apply to the college and departmental logo and wordmarks as well.
Logo Color Usage

The primary WLU Logo
The W is BLACK
The L is GOLD
The swoosh is GOLD

The secondary WLU Logo
The W is GOLD
The L is WHITE
The swoosh is WHITE
- The darker color is always used first. If a different color, such as WHITE is used for the W and GOLD is used for the L, it is considered OFF BRAND.
- The swoosh should ALWAYS be GOLD when the logo is a two-color logo scheme of BLACK AND GOLD, or GOLD AND WHITE.
Other Accepted Color Variations of the Logo

Unacceptable Versions of the Logo - Off-Brand

Logo Clear Space
Whenever you use the official West Liberty University logo, it should be surrounded with clear space to ensure its visibility and impact. No graphic elements of any kind should invade this zone. Clear space is developed from the height/width of the “N” in the logo and is shown here.

Informal Logo for Social Media Usage
This graphic is intended for social media page profile pictures where the official logo may be too small to be used properly. This may not be used on any official or formal documents.

The Foundation Logo

1 – Black and Gold with fire – Preferred Version Use on white or very light backgrounds
2 – Black and Gold with WLU logo, no fire – Secondary Version Use on white or very light backgrounds
3 – White and Gold with fire– Preferred Version Use on black or dark backgrounds
4 – White and Gold with WLU logo, no fire – Secondary Version Use on black or dark backgrounds
The Seal

The WLU Seal should be used ONLY by the President’s Office or the University for OFFICIAL purposes. It is not for everyday use. To accommodate various design needs, the seal can be one of the following colors: black, white or gray. It can not be gold or any other color than the approved black, white and gray. The seal can have the opacity changed if the need arises.
- You may complete the on-line request form at westliberty.edu/request-services.
- For further questions and information, you may contact the following people:
Tom Estlack