All students are responsible for ensuring proper use of the West Liberty University name and icons when creating a name and/or logo for a student group.
1. Student group logos that DO NOT use the name West Liberty University or any official WLU graphics.
2. Student group logos that use the WLU name.
Using this naming convention, student organizations remove implications of official WLU endorsement, approval, support of, or opposition to events, activities, products, services, companies, policies, political and/or social movements, political candidates, and the like.
DO NOT include any part of WLU logo in the student organization logo.
DO NOT have the WLU logo too close to the student organization logo. See rules for clear space here.
In order to maintain a strong and consistent visual identity with our logo, we do not allow our logo to be used in any other logos or graphics outside of official WLU logos shown on this page.
For further questions and information, you may contact the following people:
Tom Estlack
307 336-8275