Psychology Club
PSYCHOLOGY CLUB PURPOSE: To bring psychology students together to engage in professional development, academic, and fun activities.
Psychology Club membership requirements:
- WLU student (Psychology major, psychology minor, graduate student, or a genuine interest in psychology
- $20 membership fee per academic year
- Attendance/participation in at least one meeting or activity per semester
Psi Chi
Several requirements have to be met in order to apply to the WLU Psi Chi chapter.
1. Be a Psychology Major or Minor at WLU (graduate students are also eligible)
2. At least a second year sophomore* (3 full time semesters of college level coursework)
3. At least 9 semester hours of psychology courses* (PSYC 101 does not count, this is a general education course)
4. Overall G.P.A. of 3.0 in all psychology classes
5. Overall G.P.A. in top 35% for all psychology majors.
(this changes every academic year will always be at 3.0 or higher – the faculty advisor calculates this requirement at the beginning of each fall semester).
6. If above requirements are met, an application can be completed (online application will be emailed to you upon request). There is a one-time only fee of $65 that required before the application can be processed.
* transfer students must have completed at least 12 semester credit hours at WLU.
Student Organization Activities
- Field Trips: Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, History of Psychology Museum, Carnegie Science Center, COSI
- Conferences: South Eastern Psychological Association, Tri-State Undergraduate Research Conference, Undergraduate Research Day at the Captiol, APA, APS
- Philanthropy / Community Events: Relay for Life, Angel Tree, STEM/STEAM Club at local elementary school, Fitness and Fun Day, Community University, YWCA
- Test Prep: Psychology Jeopardy, tutoring services (formal and informal)
- Fundraisers: Chocolate rats, Tie Dye t-shirts, Program clothing sales
Psych Club in the News
Domestic Violence
Contact Dr. Natasha Godkin, to learn more about the Psychology organizations at WLU.