Behavioral Health Clinic

Services Offered

The Behavioral Health Clinic provides the following services:

  1. Intervention- The provision of evidence-based psychotherapy for children, adults, couples, families and groups.
  2. Psychological Assessment- Psychological assessment (evaluation) of several types is offered at the Behavioral Health Clinic, including ADHD and Learning Disorders. 
  3. Outreach- Psychology Trainees may provide targeted programming for selected groups on or off campus which promotes prevention, awareness, education, and stigma reduction of mental health treatment. Outreach programming may include psycho-educational presentations and groups, workshops, and panel discussions. If your agency has a need for this type of programming, please contact the Clinic Director to see if we can help.

The Behavioral Health Clinic provides intervention for a number of issues including but not limited to:

  • alcohol and drug abuse
  • anxiety, stress, and panic
  • anger management
  • behavioral and emotional difficulties
  • body image
  • chronic pain
  • depression
  • disordered eating 
  • family conflict
  • grief and loss
  • identity, including race, gender and sexual orientation
  • interpersonal difficulties
  • mood disturbances
  • relationship distress, including those in alternative relationships
  • trauma and post-traumatic stress
  • self-esteem


The Behavioral Health Clinic primarily offers ADHD and learning disorder assessments, although we may be able to accommodate other types of assessment depending on your needs. The nature and scope of all psychological assessments will be determined by the Psychology Trainee in consultation with his or her supervisor and are designed to answer one or more specific referral questions. Psychological assessments usually require more than one visit. Assessments typically consist of a clinical interview, during which the client’s history is gathered, contact with relevant others (e.g. teachers), and administration of psychological tests. This information is then compiled into an integrated report, which will include identified diagnoses and recommendations for treatment or accommodations. Assessment fees begin at $250 and increase with the number of psychological tests utilized. Typically, more than one test will be needed.

We are unable to provide forensic or court-ordered services, which includes custody evaluations and emotional support animal assessment.

Services Not Provided

  • We are unable to provide inpatient treatment, and some cases may be determined to be too acute to treat in our setting, particularly in regard to alcohol and substance abuse, as well as eating disorders. Clients requiring a higher level of care than can be provided by our trainees will be referred to community agencies. 
  • We do not provide psychiatric services (i.e., medication), but we may be able to provide a referral if appropriate.
  • We are unable to provide forensic or court-ordered services, which includes custody evaluations and emotional support animal assessment. 
  • We are unable to provide walk-in services.