Are you prepared? Do you have a treatment plan in place in the event of an automobile accident?
Beginning April 10, the Yellow Dot program will become available to West Virginia citizens. The program is geared primarily to seniors with a medical condition or suffering from allergic reactions to certain medications, but people of all ages may participate.
The YDP is a cooperative effort between law enforcement, fire and rescue, senior groups and emergency and medical services to aid in communicating important health information in the event the individual is unable to respond as the result of an automobile crash. The West Liberty University campus police support the program and encourage the community to participate.
Many people suffer from common health issues that emergency responders should be aware of for proper care and treatment. In the event of a crash, first responders will know to look for a yellow dot sticker on the lower left rear window and to look in the glove compartment for a corresponding yellow dot folder containing information about the driver, a list of medications taken, allergies and so forth along with a photograph of the individual.
Enrollment process is simple. Visit any one of the W.Va. Department of Motor Vehicles regional offices and explain that you would like to participate in the program. You will be given a program consent form to sign. Upon completion you will be given a packet containing participant information to be completed on your own. Follow the instruction for placement of the sticker and information folder and you’re all set!
The Yellow Dot program is sponsored by the Governor’s Highway Safety Program of West Virginia and the W.Va. DMV. Find details on the Internet at