Since 2014 Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) has been at the heart of the Gary E. West College of Business. Started by a group of dedicated business students, the club quickly became a success. Phi Beta Lambda gives members at WLU the opportunity to travel, compete, and network with students and professionals around the world! While learning important job-related skills, members get to experience their limitless potential and make lifetime friends. Leadership, service, and progress are our core values that we instill in our members with great pride. Today Phi Beta Lambda is one of WLU’s biggest student organizations and has claimed 12 National Titles for their excellence in business skills. Join Phi Beta Lambda today and become part of the 230,000 students around the world!

Phi Beta Lambda (ΦΒΛ) is a nonprofit education association with a quarter million students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields. Phi Beta Lambda has over 10,000 members and more than 500 chapters.
Phi Beta Lambda’s National Awards Program recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Through state-based competition at the spring State Leadership Conferences, students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills. Top state winners then are eligible to compete for honors at the National Leadership Conference each summer.

West Liberty University Phi Beta Lambda 2020 National Winners!!

West Liberty University Phi Beta Lambda 2020 State Competition Winners!

Congratulations to all of the winners!
2018-2019 WV National Leadership Conference Winner
Congratulations to Cassidy Simonson for placing 2nd in the nation for Personal Finance and 4th in the nation for Financial Concepts.

2018-2019 WV State Leadership Conference Winners
Congratulations to all of the West Liberty University Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) members at the State Leadership Conference at Fairmont University on Friday, April 5, 2019.
The members that placed were:
Jacob Mauzy – First Place Stock Market Game Presentation
Jacob Mauzy – First Place Marketing Concepts
Jacob Mauzy – Third Place Financial Concepts
Cassidy Simonson – First Place Financial Concepts
Cassidy Simonson – Second Place Personal Finance
Travis Habursky – Second Place Retail Managment
The members that placed in the State Leadership Conference now have the opportunity to move on to the National Competition being held in San Antonio,Texas in July.
Congratulations to each and every member. We are very proud of all of you!! Way to show that Topper Pride!!

2017-2018 WV National Conference Winners

2016-2017 WV National Conference Winners
Accounting Analysis Decision Making – Jack Kilgore 9th Place
Accounting for Professionals – Ashley Stewart 9th Place
Financial Concepts – Brandon Galici 5th Place
Financial Services – Jack Kilgore 1st Place
Forensic Accounting – Hayden Blazer & Ashley Stewart 2nd Place
Personal Finance – Brandon Galici 1st Place
Project Management – Robert Kettlewell 5th Place

2015-2016 WV National Conference Winner
Cost Accounting – Catherine Tate 9th Place
Phi Beta Lambda member opportunities:
- Meet fellow students from the Gary E. West College of Business
- Experience a business environment
- Develop strong business leadership skills
- Attend Fall, State, and National Conferences
- Opportunities to compete in over 50 business-related competitions
- Networking with businesses and professionals
- Establish strong communication skills
- Start building a strong resume