The Gary E. West College of Business is committed to exceptional quality in curriculum, instruction, and the development of students as professional and ethical business leaders.
Our guarantee of quality involves unceasing adherence to nationally recognized accreditation standards and attention to course-based assessment, as well as the recruitment and retention of qualified and committed faculty.
Accreditation provides assurance to students, parents, and employers that the courses and programs offered by a university meet established standards based on rigorous and continuous peer review.
The Gary E. West College of Business at West Liberty University has received specialized accreditation for its business program(s) through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member status page.
The IACBE was founded in 1997 and is a leader in mission-driven and outcomes-based programmatic accreditation in business for student-centered colleges and universities throughout the world. The IACBE’s mission is to promote and recognize excellence in business education in institutions of higher education worldwide, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, through specialized accreditation of business programs.
The IACBE is recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
To view our most recent IACBE Public Disclosure of Student Learning Reports, which include information on our assessment program, click below:
Gary E. West College of Business IACBE 2021-22 Public Disclosure of Student Achievement