Except as noted, the Provost or designee is chairperson. Faculty members are appointed by the president. All students listed on standing committees have full voting membership privileges.
2023-24 Standing Committee Members
Academic Dishonesty: Hears cases of those students who desire to appeal charges of academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, fabrication, collaboration, destruction of reference sources, and plagiarism).
Academic Appeals: Hears cases of students who desire to appeal a final course grade.
Admissions and Credits: Administers faculty policies and state regulations regarding problems related to admissions and credits. Members: the Registrar, the Provost or designee, one faculty member elected by the Faculty Senate, one staff member, and one student elected by Student Government. Registrar serves as the chair.
Athletics Rules Compliance: Administers the institution’s compliance with National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Mountain East Conference (MEC) rules and regulations, along with federal and state laws that govern and direct intercollegiate athletics. Members: the Faculty Athletics Representative, the Director of Athletics, the Senior Women’s Administrator, the Registrar and Director of Financial Aid, the Director of Admissions, the Athletics Compliance Coordinator, and the Athletics Academic Advisor.
Assessment and Accreditation: The Assessment and Accreditation Committee includes one faculty representative from each college. This committee reviews academic assessment reports required by the Board of Governors during the Program Review process or as subsequent follow-up reports. Assessment and Accreditation Committee recommendations are shared with the Provost, College Dean, Department Chair, and Faculty Assessment Coordinator for each academic program under review. Final recommendations are shared with the University Board of Governors.
Concert Series: Selects performers and formulates policies pertaining to the Concert Series. Members: the Dean of the College of Arts and Communication, the Chairperson of the Department of Music and Theater, two faculty members, and one student elected by Student Government.
Council of Department Chairpersons and Program Directors: Shares information about mutual problems for the purpose of effecting solutions; works cooperatively with other administrators, faculty, and students; makes formal recommendations when necessary in any and all areas of campus and academic life to the appropriate person or body including but not limited to the President and the Provost. Members: Department chairpersons of all academic departments and Program Directors of all individually accredited academic programs.
Council of Deans: Shares information about mutual problems for the purpose of effecting solutions; works cooperatively with other administrators, faculty, and students; makes formal recommendations when necessary in any and all areas of campus and academic life to the appropriate person or body including but not limited to the President, Provost, Curriculum Committee, and Faculty Senate. Members: the Provost and the academic college and school deans.
Curriculum: Considers proposals for new degree programs, any major or minor program additions or deletions within a degree program, modifications in the general studies program, and any curricular changes by one college that affect course offerings of other colleges; acts on course additions, deletions, credits, and descriptions. Proposals for new degree programs are sent to Faculty Senate for their consideration. Proposed modifications to the general studies program are made available for consideration and comment to the General Studies Assessment Committee, Council of Deans, and the Faculty Senate prior to being considered by the Curriculum Committee. Members: the Provost, the academic college and school deans, one faculty member from each college, a representative of the Council of Department Chairpersons and Program Directors, the Registrar, and one student elected by Student Government.
Teacher Education/EPPAC: Provides university leadership for the teacher education programs: reviews, evaluates, and recommends program policies and serves as a communicating and coordinating body between the Department of Professional Education and other academic departments with teacher education programs. Voting members seventeen: two representatives from the Department of Professional Education: The Director of Teacher Education and the department chairperson; six representatives from the four colleges: number is determined by the number of education programs in the college; two education student representatives; five representatives from public and/or private schools; and one representative from the W.Va. State Department of Education. The Director of Student Teaching serves as a nonvoting, exofficio member. The Director of Teacher Education chairs the committee.
Faculty Development: Meets regularly to manage the faculty development fund. Responsibilities include establishment of guidelines, approval of request for funding professional scholarly activities, and dissemination of information related to faculty development. Members: faculty members appointed from each college, a department chairperson, a college dean, and the Provost or designee.
Financial Aid: Recommends and reviews policy for the operation of the financial aid program; serves as a student appeal board on matters related to the student financial aid. Members: a representative from the Enrollment Services division, the Financial Aid Director, one faculty member, and one student.
General Studies Assessment: Includes one faculty representative from each academic college. This committee provides oversight of the assessment of the general studies program and assists with developing and approving rubrics and other measures of student learning for the assessment of general studies skills. Recommends and provides comments on proposals to modify the general studies program.
Graduate Council: Shares information about mutual problems for the purpose of effecting solutions; works cooperatively with other administrators, faculty, and students; makes formal recommendations when necessary in any and all areas of campus and academic life relative to graduate education to the appropriate person or body including but not limited to the President, Provost, Curriculum Committee, and Faculty Senate. Serves as a general oversight body for graduate programs. Members: the Provost, the deans of academic college and schools with graduate programs, one faculty representative from each graduate program and one graduate student.
Honors Council: Administers the honors program. The council consists of two faculty members from each college, two faculty elected at large, a student elected from the honors program, the Provost, a designee, and the Director of the Honors Program, who serves as chair.
Honorary Degrees and Recognition: Reviews nominations for honorary degrees, emeritus status and other awards according to established guidelines and criteria. Members: Provost (chair), one faculty member elected by Faculty Senate, one staff elected by Classified Staff Council, one student elected by Student Government Association, and the Alumni Association Liaison.
Institutional Review Board: The purpose of the WLU IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants. The IRB at WLU provides assistance to faculty, students, and staff to promote the protection of the participants of research, provide guidance to investigators in the proposal process, and review research for compliance with applicable federal law and local policies.
Interdisciplinary Studies: Administers the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Program. Designs, implements, and evaluates degree program policies, procedures, and requirements under the auspices of the Office of the Provost. Members: the coordinator and faculty representing each of the five colleges of instruction.
Interfaith Campus Ministry: Meets one time per semester of each academic year with representatives from the various campus ministries to foster unity, integrity, and respect among groups, to receive reports of their activities, and to assist in resolving problems pertaining to scheduling, facilities, and programming. Membership is open to appointed or designated representatives of any Christian group or faith community working on the WLU campus.
Internationalization: Provides leadership for increasing opportunities for students to expand their knowledge of global issues on campus and abroad. Membership includes the Provost or designee, faculty, staff, and students.
Multicultural Education and Diversity: The Multicultural Education and Diversity Committee is a campus and community-wide committee which provides leadership and development in the areas of multicultural education and diversity. The committee includes faculty representatives from the five colleges appointed by the Deans, and the Office of Admissions. In addition, the following individuals serve on the committee: two students, the Chair of the Faculty Development Committee, the CAEP coordinator, and the Dean of Students or designee.
Residency Appeal: Hears cases of those students who desire to appeal tuition residency status. Members: three faculty members and one student elected by student government who is classified as an out-of-state student for purposes of tuition payment.
Staff Development: Meets regularly to design and implement opportunities and programs for the personal development of classified staff. Provides reimbursement of travel expenses for events or conferences, tuition and/or fees associated with class of service to the institution.
Student Research: A faculty-led committee charged with increasing research activities among students and facilitating an annual student research competition.