A partnership between Hanbat National University (South Korea) and West Liberty University was developed to build a beneficial exchange of knowledge between a West Virginia public university and a national university in the Republic of Korea.
“The new partnership means that many different types of academic collaborations will now be possible between Hanbat National University and WLU, including exchange student programs, research collaboration, and exchange of knowledge or coursework. – HBNU is a very global school, with more than 100 existing partnerships with colleges around the world.”
“Hanbat suggested a university-wide sharing since so many of our programs work well with their programs. This Memorandum of Understanding will grow and offer more of our students from all majors a benefit. Also, in the future Korean students will join us on the Hilltop and study here as the international exchange develops and grows.”
HBNU Information:
Hanbat National University is a Korean university established in 1927. It is located in Daejeon Metropolitan City in the central area of the Republic of Korea.
It consists of 5 colleges and 2 faculties: College of Engineering, College of Information Technology, College of Construction, Environment & Design, College of Humanities, College of Business and Economics, Faculty of Liberal Arts Education, Faculty of Global Convergence Studies. Hanbat offers doctoral & master courses and bachelor’s courses in the entire academic fields of colleges mentioned above, with over 10,000 students enrolled in the university.
At present, more than 400 students are participating in various international programs. It welcomes international students at any time through cooperation with the partner universities and institution abroad. Presently, over 300 foreign students are being enrolled and studying in various majors.