Job/Internship Posting Guidelines
By posting a position through Handshake or sharing job board postings to Career Services, West Liberty University has no responsibility or liability regarding the position or employer. If we discover the position or employer account is misrepresented in any way, access to Handshake or the ability to share internship/job postings with be removed.
West Liberty University does not endorse or recommend employers and works to provide students access to a variety of employers across many industries through our on-campus and virtual events. An internship/job posting through Handshake, opportunity for posting shared directly with our office, or participation in any recruiting event (information session, job fair, virtual event, etc.) does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. It is a student’s responsibility to perform due diligence in researching employers, when completing an application, accepting an offer, and to understand if an organization(s) are a best personal fit.
You can submit a job/internship promotion request through our Online Form.
General Guidelines
By requesting Career Services to post an internship or job opportunity, the following guidelines are to be understood:
- Career Services is not a source for the posting of training or post-graduate education programs.
- Opportunities shared directly with our office to be posted on a physical board or promoted as part of our social media promotion efforts are reviewed for accuracy and complete information.
- Career Services can refuse a posting based on criteria such as missing information or not abiding by labor law standards.
Unpaid Internships
Organizations are asked to review the guidelines from the Department of Labor.
By requesting Career Services to promote your unpaid internship, you are acknowledging the Department of Labor’s Unpaid Internship Criteria and you will be responsible for proving that it falls under those criteria. If it is determined that your unpaid internship does not meet these criteria, the posting will be removed from any systems and/or physical campus areas where it is being promoted.
Third-Party Recruiters
Employers that are third-party recruiters must identify themselves as such when sharing internship or job postings. Career Services will not post positions that require payment of any type by the candidate.
West Liberty University Career Services reserves the right to refuse service to a third-party recruiter. Third-party recruiters are defined here as organizations or individuals recruiting candidates for opportunities other than for their own needs.
Third-party agencies must identify to Career Services the organization on behalf of whom they are hiring.
Employment Eligibility
In compliance with the Department of Justice’s ruling regarding citizenship discrimination as referenced on the DOJs Immigrant and Employee Rights Section, West Liberty University Career Services does not allow work authorization (including visa status or citizenship) to be a screening mechanism for internship/job postings. It is suggested that employers consult with their own legal counsel to determine legally permissible screening procedures. Employment eligibility information may be included in postings shared with Career Services. Career Services reserves the right to remove non-compliant language or postings.