WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., May 3, 2018 — West Liberty University’s Division of Music will hold its annual Honors Recital, at 3 p.m., Sunday, May 6, in Elbin Auditorium, College Hall. The concert is free and open to the public.

From left, Patricia Loy, Glory Dami, Jason Sivert, Jessica Gulisek, Tyler Funk and Maria Schmitt stand in front of College Hall, the site of Sunday’s Honors Recital.
“The annual Honors Recital celebrates and represents some of the finest musical talents in WLU’s Division of Music. Student performers are selected for the Honors Recital through a competitive audition,” said Dr. Gerald Lee, professor of piano.
Students who will perform are:
Glory Dami, a freshman pursuing two degrees: the Bachelor of Arts in Music Education and the Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance is from Steubenville, Ohio and is the daughter of Margaret and Jeremey Taylor and Dan Dami. She studies voice with Dr. Angela Day, adjunct professor. Upon graduation, she plans to teach elementary music in the public schools.
Tyler Funk, a junior pursuing the Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Education is from Washington, Pa. and is the son of Teresa Funk. He studies saxophone with Marino Galluzzo, adjunct professor. Upon graduation, he plans to teach music in the public schools.
Jessica Gulisek, a senior pursing the Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance, is from Belmont, Ohio and is the daughter of Mary Jo and Thomas M. Gulisek. She studies piano with Dr. Lee. Upon graduation, she plans to continue her studies in Collaborative Piano Performance at the master’s level and stay actively involved in choral ensembles.
Patricia Loy, a sophomore pursuing two degrees: the Bachelor of Arts in Music Education and the Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance, is from New Martinsville, W.Va. and is the daughter of Sally Loy. She studies voice with Dr. Day. Upon graduation, she plans to teach music in the public schools and maintain a private studio where she will teach voice lessons.
Maria Schmitt, a junior pursuing the Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance, is from Wheeling and is the daughter of Sheila Keane. She studies voice with Dr. Day. Upon graduation, she plans to continue her studies in vocal performance at the master’s level.
Jason Sivert, a junior pursuing two Bachelor of Music degrees: Percussion Performance and Music Technology, is from New Martinsville, W.Va. and is the son of Denise Deanne Sivert. He studies percussion with Mitchell Greco, director of percussion and world music. Upon graduation, he plans to continue his studies in percussion performance at the master’s level.
WLU’s Department of Music and Theater is housed within the College of Arts and Communication. It offers the Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance degree, the Bachelor of Arts in Music Education degree and the Bachelor of Music Technology degree programs. Students also may choose to minor in music. For complete information, please contact Dr. Linda Cowan, chairwoman of the Department of Music and Theater at lcowan@westliberty.edu or 304-336-8293.
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