Any individual who has experienced an incidence of gender-based misconduct should be aware, when consulting campus resources, of the confidentiality and privacy policies of different offices. When making a choice to report, it is important to know who is an employee of a mandatory reporting office. On campus, the following personnel offer confidentiality:
Shaw Hall Basement
PH#: 304.336.8049
Campus Counseling Services
Student Union
PH#: 304.336.8215
Reverend DIann Nickerson
Protestant Campus Minister
PH#: 304.336.8038
These offices can offer you confidentiality, sharing options and advice without any obligation to tell anyone unless you make a decision to pursue the matter further. Other administrative resources are required to take action when you report your violation to them. An individual may seek assistance from the administrators listed above without starting a formal process that is beyond their control, or that violates their privacy. However, it is important for all parties involved to be aware of reporting responsibilities.
Confidential Disclosure
You can seek advice from certain resources whose staff and volunteers are not required to tell anyone else your private, personally identifiable information, unless there is cause to fear for your safety or the safety of others. These resources include those without supervisory responsibility or remedial authority to address gender-based misconduct. If an individual wants to ensure that details of an incident be kept confidential, they can speak with:
Non-Confidential Reporting
We encourage you to speak to College officials—the Title IX coordinator, Campus Police, Human Resources—in order to make formal reports of incidents. You have the right to have incidents of gender-based misconduct taken seriously by the institution when formally reported, and to have those incidents investigated and properly resolved through administrative procedures. Formal reporting means that only people who need to know will be told, and information will be shared only as necessary with investigators, witnesses, and the accused individual.
Who to contact in order to make a formal report:
Kate Billings, Title IX Coordinator / 304.336.8139
Campus Police / 304.336.8021