WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., June 6, 2023 — West Liberty University student Lindsey Morais was elected as the representative for Region V of Alpha Chi National College Honor Society recently.
A human biology major and psychology minor, Morais is from Bridgeport, W.Va.

The newly-elected regional officers will play an essential role in advancing Alpha Chi’s mission and supporting its members in their respective regions. All student members serve two-year terms.
Alpha Chi National College Honor Society invites membership to juniors, seniors, and graduate students from all disciplines in the top ten percent of their classes at its member institutions. Chartered on more than 300 campuses nationwide, chapters induct approximately 10,000 students annually.
Since the Society’s founding in 1922, Alpha Chi members, charged with upholding the tenets of Truth and Character, have dedicated themselves to “making scholarship effective for good.” Alpha Chi is a certified member in good standing of the Association of College Honor Societies.
With some 300 chapters and an active presence in almost every state, Alpha Chi actively promotes academic excellence, undergraduate and graduate research, campus academic dialogue, and civic engagement.
The WLU chapter of Alpha Chi, West Virginia Epsilon, holds inductions during the spring semester. All current members and Alpha Chi alumni are eligible to attend the annual convention, and present and/or submit a paper for scholarship and fellowship awards.
Dr. Linda Cowan is the faculty sponsor of WLU’s chapter of Alpha Chi along with Professor Dr. Melinda S. Kreisberg.
To learn more about Alpha Chi, visit alphachihonor.org.