WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., April 12, 2019 — Ampersand, the student run literary journal, will celebrate the release of the Spring 2019 issue with a festive launch at 4 p.m., Monday, April 15 in the Alumni Room of the College Union.
The launch party will offer an open mic for students to read their work and refreshments will be served.

“We are pleased to have the Ampersand back this year after a one-year hiatus. The literary journal has a long tradition on the Hilltop and includes a variety of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and artwork from our students,” said Nicole Naegele, English instructor and coordinator of the journal.
When the journal began in the 1970s, Ampersand was the publication of the Omicron Nu Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the English honor society. Today it is run by students from a variety of disciplines and spearheaded by the Department of Humanities.
“When I became the advisor of Sigma Tau Delta, the publication was with this group. However, because students are often more active nowadays when it comes to extracurricular activities and employment, membership in Sigma Tau Delta became too inconsistent for the group to be responsible for a regularly published project,” said Naegele.
“However last semester, students, some of whom are not English majors, expressed interest in working with Ampersand, so we decided to publish again with a board made up of students with an interest in writing and publications but not necessarily English majors.”
Students serving on the Ampersand Editorial Board include: Kylee Carcione, Naples, Fla., Ashley Cole, Terra Alta, W.Va., Christopher Cronin, Wellsburg, W.Va., Samaria Oiler, Mount Alto, W.Va., Dylan Parsons, New Martinsville, W.Va. and Luna Phalen, Hurricane, W.Va..
There is anothr major change this year. Ampersand will be published digitally only, instead of printed and will be available online in a PDF format.
“I’d like to see Ampersand to continue to grow and draw board members, writers, and artists from across campus. It’s a great opportunity for students to get their work out there, and now that it will be published online, it will be easier for them to direct readers to their work,” said Naegele.
The student editorial board makes all the decisions about Ampersand.
Students were permitted to submit up to four poems, four pieces of artwork, and/or creative nonfiction and fiction works 3,000 words or less.
“We received and publish all sorts of materials and perspectives. Some are beautiful image-filled poems, and others are darker stories showing the pain people have gone through. We hope that our audience will be pleased with the result,” said Naegele.
Advisors, in addition to Naegele, include English professors, Dr. Scott Hanna and Dr. Jen Fawkes.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Trumpet writer Emily Salvatori contributed to this press release.