ALUMNI “WALL OF HONOR” The West Liberty University Alumni Board of Directors instituted a project in 1990 to demonstrate to current students, visitors, and friends that the college has some very successful graduates. This project, known as the “Alumni Wall of Honor,” is a dramatic way to honor some of the college’s most distinguished alumni and display pride in the accomplishments of its graduates. The concept was suggested by then Associate Professor of Physics Robert W. Schramm, who is a 1958 graduate of the college and a 2002 Alumni Wall of Honor inductee. The Alumni Wall of Honor is housed in the south end of the Union known as the Alumni Lounge.
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Norman B. Moyes has distinguished himself since his graduation by teaching at Syracuse University and Boston University, where he was a finalist for the Metcalf Cup, which is awarded to the outstanding teacher. Moyes has published articles in Life, Time, and Sports Illustrated magazines and is the author of five…
Rudy Mumley was a distinguished educator, administrator and sportsman, who served his country and the military for eight years in both WWII and the Korean Conflict. Mumley was a 1950 graduate of WLSC with a degree in education and was a 1954 graduate of West Virginia University with a master’s…
Paula Myers-Keith is the director of biotechnology and bioprocess research at Pitman-Moore, Inc., Terry Haute, IN. Dr. Keith received an MS degree in microbiology from West Virginia University in 1973 and a PhD in microbiology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1978. Keith spent a year with the World Health Organization…