Jesse Lenz, 10
Jesse Lenz, who earned a Bachelor of Science degree in graphic design in 2010, has created collage illustrations for a variety of periodicals, including Entertainment Weekly, The Atlantic, Popular Mechanics, The New York Times, Readers’ Digest and dozens of other publications. His reputation as an illustrator continues to grow and he is responsible for creating the cover image for Newsweek magazine’s 10th anniversary coverage of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Jesse, a resident of Middlebourne, W.Va., lives by a credo that he learned in Professor Bob Villamagna’s class, “inspiration is for amateurs, the rest of us just show up and get to work.”
Jake Feinler, 54
Known to friends as “Jake,” Elizabeth Feinler was at the forefront of the development of the Internet and is credited with having coined the phrase and context of “dot com.” A 1954 graduate of West Liberty State College, she received her master’s degree from Purdue University. Throughout her career, she cultivated computer information services for universities, government agencies and private firms. She ran the Network Information Center for the Science Research Center, which developed the earliest Internet search engines, the concept of menu-driven computer interfaces, and techniques for displaying and composing e-mail offline long before the creation of Windows or Macintosh. Her group also created the naming registry for world wide web domains, resulting in the now famous “.com” designation behind web addresses, along with “.edu,” “.gov,” “.org,” and “.mil.”
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Amanda Castle, ’04
Amanda Castle found her life’s work at West Liberty University and is now a successful Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in a private practice. But she began her college career struggling at another school before she transferred to WLU. Now she says that WLU’s health sciences helped her find her way and her future. She learned to push for her goals and work hard as she earned her Bachelor of Science in microbiology with a minor in chemistry. Today Amanda’s happy to be making a difference in the life of animals and people too, serving her patients right here in Wheeling, at the Town and Country Animal Hospital.
Tom Fadul, ’81
Tom Fadul, ‘81, loved science when he was a student at West Liberty University and discovered his career when he became a criminal justice major. Today he is the Crime Lab Manager for the largest police department in the Southeastern United States, the Miami-Dade Police Department. His job impacts thousands of people daily as he deals with evidence, victims and investigations. Tom says that WLU professors “opened his eyes” to a future in science that incorporated criminal justice too. The one-on-one instruction and strong academic foundation made his professional move into today’s highly technical and busy world of crime scene management a reality.