WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., April 17, 2018 — The annual West Liberty Regional Science & Engineering Fair, sponsored by Southwestern Energy will take place on Saturday, April 21.

From left (standing) Southwestern Energy employees Bob Laine, Chris Flanagan and Mike Yates, (seated) President Stephen Greiner, Southwestern Energy’s Amy Dobkin and Karen Kettler (chair of the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics).
“West Liberty University’s College of Sciences is pleased to continue to offer the annual fair as an active way to encourage scientific investigation and allow youngsters to experience the thrill of scientific discovery. We thank Southwestern Energy for its continued support of this tradition,” said Dr. Zachary Loughman who coordinated the fair. Loughman is an associate professor of biology/zoology/ecology at West Liberty University and is known for his work classifying crayfish.
“Southwestern Energy is impressed with West Liberty’s work and the quality of its science education. We are happy to partner with the university in this important way,” said Amy Dobkin, who is Southwestern Energy Community Relations manager.
The day gets started at 8:30 a.m. with registration in Campbell Hall of Health Sciences, followed by exhibit set-up and judging. The awards ceremony concludes the day of science activity and is planned for 3 p.m. in Kelly Theatre.
Also taking place, from 12:30 – 2:30 p .m., will be special activities provided by Wheeling’s SMART Center and Oglebay’s Good Zoo.
Open to inquisitive minds in grades 6 – 12, all competition and poster displays take place in Campbell Hall of Health Sciences. The springtime format is a result of the recent teachers’ strike, which changed Ohio County Schools scheduling from its usual February date.
Any student or group of students from Jefferson and Belmont counties in Ohio and Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall, Tyler, and Wetzel counties in West Virginia, were invited to take part in the fair. Applications were completed online to register for the event.
Students compete for category awards, special awards, and an opportunity to go to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. The Senior Division Grand Prize winner receives, in addition to numerous category and special awards, an all-expense-paid trip to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair where they will compete for $1.4 million in scholarships and cash prizes at the International Fair. A second Regional Fair competitor will receive an all-expense-paid trip to the International Fair as an observer.
For more information, contact Dr. Loughman at 304-336-8923 or visit westliberty.edu/college-of-sciences.
WLU’s College of Sciences prides itself on its student-focused teaching, learning and research environment dedicated to excellence in undergraduate and graduate education.
Most recently, it was honored when Dr. Joseph Horzempa, associate professor of biology, was named the 2017 West Virginia Professor of the Year by the Faculty Merit Foundation. This marked the second time that a WLU College of Sciences professor won the prestigious honor. The previous honoree was Dr. Loughman in 2014.
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