WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., May 9, 2018 — As commencement approaches and another academic year draws to a close, new Student Government Association leaders begin their terms and are meeting today to map out next year.

From left, Zachary Rhodes, Anna Malone and President Stephen Greiner meet on the quad.
President Zachary Rhodes and Vice President Anna Malone were sworn in officially during the Spring Honors Convocation by Vice President of Student Services Scott Cook. Elected by students in April, the leaders are anxious to get busy.
“I’ve been in SGA all the years that I’ve been here and it gives me an opportunity to be involved on campus and to make decisions. I look forward to listening to the students and improving campus in ways that are meaningful to them,” Rhodes said, who has served in Student Government as treasurer and senator in the past.
As they plan for the future, the two officers agree that they love West Liberty.
“The small community feel of our campus is great. You get to know all your professors and have one-on-one conversations with them and can receive all the help you need as you earn your degree. It’s just a very friendly place,” Rhodes said.
Majoring in Finance and Accounting, Rhodes will be a senior in the fall and is from Chester, W.Va. He plans on working toward becoming a Certified Public Accountant and entering the professional field of accounting after graduation.
Also a Student Ambassador, Rhodes has worked in the Enrollment Center this year, assisting with student and family tours.
Malone is from Clarksburg, W.Va. and is majoring in Elementary Education. She also served as president of Kappa Phi, the Christian service organization on campus, this year. She also served as president of the Council for Exceptional Children, which planned Fitness and Fun Day and served as president of Kappa Delta Pi, the education honorary.
“I started to get involved in the fall of 2015, then took a break this year and served other organizations but I found I missed SGA, so I’m happy to be back,” she said. “I feel SGA is important because it gives students a say on campus. Students can come to me with ideas for improvement and needs.”
This summer she will be studying for her GRE and she will graduate next spring.
Starting on Monday, May 14, both new officers will attend the annual West Virginia Student Leadership Conference in Jackson Mill, W.Va. The conference is sponsored by the West Virginia Community and Technical College System (WVCTCS) and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WVHEPC).
Other SGA officers elected and confirmed for 2017 – 2018 include Treasurer Bryan Congo of Chester, W.Va., Secretary Taylor Curry, Columbus, Ohio and Director of Programming Hunter Norris of Moundsville, W.Va.
SGA continually works with administrators and acts as bridges of communication between students and administration. SGA also develops creative programming for students to keep the student experience the best it can possibly be.
The association governs itself on three overarching principles: service, leadership and integrity. Its office is located on the second floor of the College Union building.
For more information, please visit the SGA webpage. During the school year you may reach the SGA office via email at sga@westliberty.edu.
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