WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., Feb. 2, 2018 — West Liberty University’s largest Greek organization, Phi Delta Theta, successfully raised $7,000 to assist nearby West Liberty Elementary School in its efforts to remodel and resurface the existing playground by hosting a Night at the Races recently.
“The event went very well and the cooperation of the community was amazing. Many of those who won money, donated it back to the project so there were several large sums that were donated back,” said Hayden Blazer a WLU senior accounting and finance major from Glen Dale, W.Va. The Night at the Races was held January 27 at the G-Top.
Blazer is the Member at Large officer for the fraternity. Its President is Cody Waggoner.

From left, top row: William Waggoner, Luca Sei, Trevor Kessell, Tyler Huggins, Zachary Kirkwood, Jacob Mauzy
Bottom row: Kendrick Jackson, Mason Hamilton, John Heiserman, Lane Fledderus and Hayden Blazer.
“From the beginning of the playground project, Phi Delta Theta has been a driving force, helping with initial clean ups and other fundraisers. We are so pleased that this recent effort went well and we thank everyone who came out and participated,” said Waggoner, a criminal justice major from New Cumberland, W.Va.
The playground project should be breaking ground in June, according to West Liberty Elementary School Principal Stacy Greer.
“Phi Delta Theta has partnered with our elementary school for years, but this playground project has taken it to an entirely different level. These young men could be doing a million other things throughout their time at the university, but instead, they are putting smiles on children’s faces,” she added.
“I had never been to a Night at the Races, and I was impressed by their unity, not to mention all of the organization that went into that night. I made it a point to ask what they would be doing after college and it sounds like they will be soaring. I cannot wait to see them setting the business world on fire! With the help of the Phi Delta Theta boys and other community members, we are changing West Liberty Elementary’s footprint forever. We cannot thank them enough!”
Students, parents of the elementary school, teachers and PTO parents supported the event that was open to the public.

The community turned out to support Night at the Races.
Phi Delta Theta is one of two national Greek societies on the hilltop campus and has about 29 members. Service is required every year of all its members.
“This is the most money we’ve ever raised,” noted Waggoner, adding that Phi Delta Theta seeks leaders not members who just want to party.
WLU currently has 10 Greek organizations on campus. The national sororities and fraternities include Chi Omega, Alpha Xi Delta, Phi Delta Theta and Theta Xi. The remaining organizations are local sororities and fraternities, including the sororities Delta Theta Kappa, Lambda Psi Sigma and Beta Rho Epsilon. Local fraternities on campus are Chi Nu, Kappa Delta Kappa, and Beta Theta Gamma.
Director of Student Activities Kate Billings oversees Greek Life out of the Office of Housing & Student Life.
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