WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., Sept. 13, 2018 —West Liberty University’s Social Work Club will sponsor Voter Registration Days on campus from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, September 24 and 25 in the College Union.

“National Voter Registration Day is September 25 and since social work is about empowering people and social justice, this is a perfect service project for our students. Our Social Work Club will encourage students and the entire campus community to vote and help them to understand the steps to registration and voting,” said Brenda Rinkes, club mentor and a professor in the social work program.
Club members will have voting forms, facts and computers ready to register adults online.
“We’re expanding to create a two-day event to allow us the chance to also share information regarding the process of submitting absentee ballots, since so many of our students are from surrounding states and may not get home to vote,” added Greg Gust, club president and a senior from Weirton and originally from Powhatan Point, Ohio.
National Voter Registration Day is a 50-state effort to register voters before Election Day this November when midterms and governor races conclude in many state.
#NationalVoterRegistrationDay is being used on all social media platforms to drive attention to voter registration and the midterm elections.
“Our Social Work Club is proud to be a National Voter Registration Day partner. We hope to encourage good citizenship and answer questions students may have about how to vote and how to register in time for the next election,” said Gust. The club meets weekly and discusses topics of importance, like social work careers, academic questions and how to serve the community.
Founded in 2012, National Voter Registration Day is designed to create an annual moment when the entire nation focuses on registering Americans to exercise their most basic right – the right to vote.
According to the National Voter Registration Day website, more than two million Americans have registered to vote on this day since the inaugural voter registration day.
WLU’s social work program is housed in the College of Liberal Arts and is a combination of academics and real world experience. Each social work student completes more than 400 hours in a professional field internship.
For more information on WLU’s BSW program, please contact program director, Dr. Sylvia Senften at shawranick@westliberty.edu or call 304-336-8089.