WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., Nov. 5, 2018 – West Liberty University professor of history Dr. Darrin Cox is attending the Reconference 2018 at the National Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark this month.

“Reenacting is becoming very popular, leading to an increase in reenacting events and festivals all over the world. I’m thrilled to have this chance to attend this international conference and bring back knowledge to share with my students,” said Dr. Cox who is associate professor of history at WLU. The conference takes place Nov.2 – 4.
The trip was made possible through funding provided by the Rollie Williams Fund, which is managed by the WLU Foundation. Established by 1986 alumna Christina Williams, the fund supports travel grants for faculty members to study abroad.
Originally from Kingwood, W.Va., Cox specializes in Late Medieval/Early Modern Europe, Vikings, and gender. He earned his doctoral degree from Purdue University and his master’s degree from West Virginia University.
Besides publishing the book “Aristocratic Masculinity in France (1450-1550): From Knight to Courtier,” Cox also works with WLU volunteer students in his Viking Living History Project. The VLHP brings a hands-on historical reenactment experience to local schools, conferences, and public venues.
Reconference 2018 is in its second year and offers historians and others a chance to gather and discuss historical reenactments and living history. The conference consists of talks, workshops, panel discussions, as well as pop-up exhibits.
Reconference is hosted by Hands of History, Ulfhednir, and Ratobor with cooperation from The National Museum of Denmark and financial backing from Krogagerfonden.
The first Reconference was held in Moscow in 2017.
WLU’s History major is housed in the College of Liberal Arts, led by Dean Gerard NeCastro.
Established in 1837, West Liberty University now offers more than 70 undergraduate majors, plus a growing number of graduate degree programs.
For more information on WLU, please call 1.866.WESTLIB or visit westliberty.edu.