Students in the teacher education program at West Liberty University have an opportunity to engage in service learning at West Liberty Elementary School.
West Liberty Elementary has partnered with West Liberty University’s Teacher Preparation Program under the SOAR acronym – the Students Organized and Responsible reward program. SOAR is a school-wide positive behavior support program for students K-5 at West Liberty Elementary. Faulty and students at West Liberty University partner with Mrs. Ann Morgan, the Title I coordinator for West Liberty Elementary, to design engaging and multi-sensory stations of high interest for the elementary students.
“Student activities are prepared by teacher candidates in West Liberty’s Methods class,” said Dr. Judy Stechly, associate professor at the university’s college of education and coordinator of the Elementary Program, “and these activities are implemented in an afternoon reward session at West Liberty Elementary School.”
Previously themed reward days have included “Cultures Around the World” and “Dia De Los Muertos” in October. This month’s theme is reading focused on the works of Dr. Seuss.