The 2021 MADFest Winners are listed below along with Commentary from the Jurors.
Honorable Mentions - Traditional

3rd place - Traditional

2nd place - Traditional

1st place - Traditional

Honorable Mention - Digital

3rd place - Digital

2nd place - Digital

1st place - Digital **FACULTY CHOICE**

Congratulations Jaggar Dyrlund! You were chosen as the “Faculty Choice” winner by the WLU faculty. You will receive a scholarship to attend West Liberty University.
1st place - Audio
“Amber Aphrodite” – Rowan Mollenkopf
Audio PlayerVIDEO
Honorable Mentions - Video
CLICK HERE to watch Mark Ott’s commentary videos for all Honorable Mentions.
3rd place - Video
CLICK HERE to watch Mark Ott’s commentary about Rachel Nicholson’s “Nostalgia”.
2nd place - Video
CLICK HERE to watch Mark Ott’s commentary for “A Flower in the Deep End” by Gianna Laurita.
1st place - Video **BEST IN SHOW**
Congratulations Aiden Keller! In addition to winning First Place in the video category, your piece was named “Best in Show” by our jurors. You will receive a $250 gift card courtesy of the WLU Foundation and a scholarship to attend West Liberty University.
NOTE: Aiden Keller lists fellow students Katelynn Davis and Jason Hall as collaborators for this production.
CLICK HERE to watch Mark Ott’s video commentary for “Drug Awareness Video: Opioids” by Aiden Keller, Katelynn Davis, and Jason Hall.