Search Tips
- To search for a specific department you can either enter the search term in the Search Box or choose from the Categories Drop Down Menu below.
- The Categories Drop Down Menu is the recommended method for searching departments.
- When you have used the Search Box for any search, be sure to click on the Clear Search button, to start a new search.
- Using the Search Box – for example, if you were looking for all staff in Enrollment Services, type the following in the search box: Enrollment Services”
Then press return on your keyboard or click on the magnifying glass. Your search results will show everyone working within Enrollment Services.
– For an exact search string like the example above, you need to use ONE quote mark at the end of the string, instead quotes at the beginning and end of the string. The results are not perfect at this time.
– Using fewer search terms returns better results. - The Directory is interactive. For example, on this page Michael Aulick is in the College of Arts and Communication. Click on that hyperlink under his listing and you will see everyone working within the College of Arts and Communication.
Nicole Ennis
Assistant Professor, Graduate Faculty ReadingCollege of Education & Human PerformanceEducationF
Office Fine Arts 202 CUB 125 Phone: 304.336.8433Email: bfencl@westliberty.eduWebsite:
Tifani Fletcher
Chair, Department of Psychology / Co-Coordinator, Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology / Associate Professor of PsychologyCollege of SciencesDepartment of PsychologyAlex Franke
Academic Coordinator and Assistant Professor Physician Assistant ProgramCollege of SciencesG
Tara Gajtka
Academic Laboratory Instructing AssistantCollege of SciencesDepartment of Physical Sciences & MathematicsNicole Garrison
Associate Professor of BioinformaticsCollege of SciencesDepartment of Biological SciencesOffice Room S6, 2nd Floor, College Union Phone: 304.336.8873Work Fax: 304.336.8056Email: