BS Speech Pathology and Audiology
The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders offers a four-year undergraduate program of study in the field of Speech Pathology and Audiology. Impairments of communication – speech, language, and hearing disorders – are among the most prevalent of human disabilities. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology are areas of professional specialization which focus on the development, identification and treatment of communication disorders.
Program Goals
- To further the understanding of human communication processes and of communication disorders through instructional programs, information dissemination, professional and community service activities
- To prepare students academically for graduate education in Speech-Language Pathology-Audiology
- To provide a background for students who wish to pursue a career in a related professional field such as Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Audiology Assistant, deaf education, special education, or simply to study Speech Pathology and Audiology as an undergraduate major
Student Learning Outcomes
At the time of graduation, Speech Pathology and Audiology students will:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic components of human communication including biological, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, linguistic, social, humanistic, and cultural bases
- Evaluate and communicate clinical applications in both a written and verbal form via report writing and oral presentations
- Utilize technology and assessment/intervention materials appropriate for an undergraduate level to better prepare students for graduate work
- Utilize appropriate professional development as it relates to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association standards, scope of practice, and ethics requirements
The undergraduate program is pre-professional in nature and is designed to prepare the students for graduate professional education in Speech Pathology and Audiology. Because the Bachelor of Science degree does not qualify the student to be employed as a certified or licensed Speech Pathologist or Audiologist, the student must plan for enrollment in a master’s or doctoral degree program in order to complete their professional preparation.
The completion of this program would permit the student to apply to graduate programs of Speech Pathology and/or Audiology at other institutions of higher learning. It must be emphasized that the degree requirements are consistent with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and are national requirements. Students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in Speech Pathology and/or Audiology must achieve and maintain a minimum 3.5 overall grade point average (undergraduate GPA).
A Marketable and Well-Rounded Education
West Liberty University, the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the Speech Pathology and Audiology program strives to ensure a well-rounded education which develops both the scientific and humanistic aspects of graduates who will function in a large marketplace in the 21st century.
The curriculum integrates a sequence science-based coursework with courses designed to provide a basic understanding of normal communication processes and an introduction to Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology.
The major area of concentration may be supplemented with coursework in the areas of education, pediatrics, gerontology, psychology, or several other areas related to the field. These areas broaden perspectives and support diverse career choices. Students are provided the basic systems necessary for graduate study.
The program encourages students to think clearly and objectively, preparing them to solve problems as professionals through effective interpersonal and literacy skills.
Highly Qualified Faculty
Each faculty member of the Speech Pathology & Audiology Program at West Liberty University uphold the national certificate of clinical competence in speech-language pathology and/or audiology, sign language, deaf counseling and rehabilitation. The varied educational, employment, research and clinical backgrounds offer the student medical, rehabilitative, and educational perspectives relating to the diagnosis and treatment of communication disorders.
Accepted into Graduate Programs
The West Liberty University Speech Pathology and Audiology program has an 100%
acceptance rate into graduate programs. Students graduating from this program have
been accepted into professional programs in Speech Pathology and/or Audiology. Some
examples of those institutions include:
University of Akron, Baldwin Wallace University, University of Cincinnati, University of Toledo, Kent State University, Howard University, Ohio University, California University of Pennsylvania, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, West Virginia University, James Madison University, University of Pittsburgh, Marshall University, North Carolina University, Northern Arizona State University, Towson University, Duquesne University and Cleveland State University.
Learn More
Students who wish to work in a thriving, rewarding healthcare profession and want to make a
difference by improving communication and the quality of life of individuals, may enjoy a
career in Speech Pathology and/or Audiology. To find out more information or to receive a
better understanding of the fields of Speech Pathology and Audiology, please visit the
American Speech-Language and Hearing Association’s website at
- Career Description
- Admission Requirements
- Faculty and Staff Directory
- SPA Curriculum
- Scholarships
- Internships, Clinics, Hands-on Requirements
- Highlights of SPA Program
- Resources
- Academic 4-Year Plan(s)
Percent Change in Employment 2032
Employment opportunities for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists are expected to be among the fastest growing occupations. From 2022 to 2032, the projected growth for Speech-Language Pathologists is 19%, while Audiologists is 11%. Speech-Language Pathologists held about 171,400 jobs in 2022 with a median salary of $84,140, and Audiologists held about 14,400 jobs in 2022 with a median salary of $82,680.
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational
Outlook Handbook, Speech-Language Pathologists,
pathologists.htm (visited March 25, 2024).
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook
Handbook, Audiologists,
at (visited March 25, 2024).
More Information
Please contact us anytime to discuss your future.

Stephanie Bradley, Chair
Campbell Hall: 321D
Phone: (304) 336-8100
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Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is an equal opportunity department and will not tolerate discrimination of any kind. The department is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving culture of diversity, equity and inclusion. We promise to maintain a positive academic and clinical environment and will fully support the University’s mission which states, “West Liberty University’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will provide a nurturing environment of diversity, inclusion, and equity in our community where everyone is respected, valued, included, treated fairly, and welcomed—regardless of one’s race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, ethnicity, nationality, and/or socioeconomic status.” Students who believe they have been subjected to any kind of discrimination that conflicts with WLU's diversity policy and initiatives should seek assistance The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at