Student Code of Conduct Policy from WLU Student Handbook
Article III: Proscribed Conduct, Section B: Conduct – Rules and Regulations
12. Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, other weapons, ammunition or dangerous chemicals on University premises or use of any such item, even if legally possessed. This includes toy guns and replicas of firearms.
Weapons (from WLU Student Handbook: Student Life Policies)
The possession and/or use of any dangerous weapons is strictly forbidden on university property. Weapons include but are not limited to the following: Firearms, BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, blowguns, bows and/or arrows, dangerous knives, firecrackers, ammunition, and other explosive material. Possession of the above will result in the immediate suspension from the residence halls, and may also result in expulsion and possible legal action.
Firearms, Firecrackers and Weapons (from WLU Residential Procedures)
The storage, possession or use of any type of firearm, fireworks, firecracker, explosive material or dangerous weapon in the residence halls or surrounding vicinity is strictly prohibited. This list includes, but is not limited to, soft air pellet guns, bows and arrows, B-B guns, knives and tools of the martial arts, including “look-alike” weapons. Failure to observe these regulations may result in arrest, disciplinary action and/or termination of the housing contract.