WLU Board of Governors: Policy 47: Tobacco Use and Guidelines
West Liberty University has a responsibility to its employees and students to provide a safe and healthful environment. Research findings show that smoking and secondhand smoke constitute a significant health hazard. In addition to direct health hazards, smoking contributes to institutional costs associated with employee absenteeism, health care, and medical insurance.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health have determined that environmental tobacco smoke and side stream smoke are carcinogenic. Secondhand tobacco smoke can also lead to increased risk of heart disease in non-smokers. Tobacco smoke is also a major contributor to indoor air pollution and a significant health hazard.
Section 1. Provisions
- The use of all smoking tobacco products, simulated tobacco products (electric cigarettes, etc.), natural/artificial tobacco tobacco-like substitutes, devices (Hookah, etc.), smokeless tobacco, or tobacco-like substitutes (particularly, spit-and-chew varieties is prohibited in all University buildings, campus facilities (e.g. sports venues, parking lots, grounds), and off-campus locations such as the Highlands center (and adjacent parking area) which are under the control of West Liberty University.
- This tobacco use policy applies to all members of the campus community – students, guests, faculty, staff, contracted service personnel, vendors, contractors, visitors, and the Board of Governors.
- All smoking and smokeless tobacco products and tobacco-like substitutes, as described in Section 1.1, are prohibited in any motor vehicles owned, leased, or otherwise operated by West Liberty University.
- The sale of or free distribution of tobacco products or tobacco-like substitutes on campus is prohibited. This includes the delivery of tobacco products or tobacco-like substitutes to campus by means of delivery services of any kind. In addition, tobacco advertisements are prohibited in all University produced publications.
- All tobacco products or tobacco-like substitutes must be extinguished and tobacco residue should be placed in an appropriate waste receptacle prior to arrival on West Liberty University property or those locations under the control of the University.
Section 2. Exception
- Dwellings located on campus property and occupied as a family residence.
Section 3. Enforcement
- The President, or his designee, shall be responsible for developing and updating an administrative procedure detailing specific sanctions, etc. that will apply to those who violate this policy. Enforcement of this rule will depend on the cooperation of all members of the campus community, both to comply and to encourage others to do so. Faculty, staff, and students who see individuals smoking or using tobacco products or tobacco-like substitutes are asked to inform these individuals in a professional and courteous manner that University policy prohibits tobacco and tobacco-like substitutes use anywhere on campus. Offenders are to be reported appropriately to the Dean of Enrollment and Student Services/Registrar, the Vice President of Human Resources, or Campus Police.
Section 4. Assistance
- West Liberty University will use all resources at its disposal to assist any individual within the University community in their effort to eliminate the personal use of tobacco or tobacco-like substitutes in any form.
- Specific assistance will be obtained, as appropriate, from the West Virginia Tobacco Coalition, West Virginia Wellness Council, and the Ohio County, West Virginia, Health Department.
- The West Liberty University Health Promotion – Tobacco Coalition Committee will assist in implementation and evaluation of compliance with this smoking policy. Membership includes representatives from all University constituents and interested parties.