Academic Affairs – Dr. Felipe Rojas

On November 13th, 2024, Jamie interviewed Dr. Felipe Rojas, Assistant Professor of Spanish. They discussed what it’s like to take Spanish classes at West Liberty University, along with the importance of learning Spanish in the United States. Jamie learned what classes can be taken to learn Spanish at the university, as well as what happens in those classes. Dr. Rojas also highlighted the importance of learning a second language, and why Spanish is one of the most important to learn while living in the United States.

In addition to Spanish, Jamie also asked questions regarding Dr. Rojas’s position as the club advisor for West Liberty University’s Pride Club, a club which Jamie is a part of. They discussed the history of the club and how Dr. Rojas became the club’s advisor, as well as what comes with the position of club advisor. Also talked about was the annual Drag Bingo event, a large campus event successfully held by the Pride Club the night before the interview.

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