On November 21, 2019, JD Greene was interviewed by WGLZ announcer Taylor Scott. JD Greene is the current Program Director and PM Drive for WPGB Pittsburgh, or better known as “Big 104.7.” He’s also been working with iHeartradio for the past 13.5 years. On the side of his busy career, he plays in a band that usually ends up carrying over into his work.
During this interview the majority of the discussion was about what it’s like to have a life in broadcasting. JD explained to us that radio has literally been his life since graduating high school in 1999. They talked about how he went from shadowing a DJ from Weirton, West Virginia. To being the Program Director for his own station out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The discussion about all the things in between then and now are just as exciting to hear about. All of the different stories make you that much more excited to be more present in your own career path. It doesn’t even matter if that’s broadcasting or not.
Listening to this interview with JD Greene can really bring some things into perspective for you if you are considering a similar career path. He even gave some tips for someone going into broadcasting. One of the biggest things he emphasized for the listeners was to be a good person, with an open mind for this line of work. If you have any interest in broadcasting, or just want to hear some unique stories on his way to success. This interview is definitely for you.