In this artist spotlight, we dive into the life of a musician who has passed away that has left a touching legacy. Take a look into the life of musician Mac Miller with Santino Kusic, a big advocate of the musician as he owns a lot of art work, books, and even has tattoo’s in honor of the artist. Mac Miller kicked off his career with a charisma like no other. He had this love for life that would rub off on those close to him, and his fans. As he experienced more fame than he had imagined, Mac ran into problems of his own. This became noticeable in his work, and Santino takes a look at when this started to happen in his career. As Santino takes a look into his career work, he samples some of Macs songs that touches him the most. He also samples interview clips from the artist, where he talks about his own success, his fans, and his personal problems.