Welcome Back! We Are Ready For Spring Semester!

We hope everyone has a great holiday break and is ready to hit the books in 2014! Over the next week or two we will be training a new batch of student DJs who will take to the airwaves. Look for their pages and blogs to start appearing very soon on the “On Air” tab.  In the meantime, we have lots of great music and Hilltopper basketball coverage for you.

Student DJs Prepare For Final Week Of Shows

The semester is quickly coming to a close and with that comes a WGLZ tradition, The Dead Musician Tribute shows. This is the time of year when we break from our normal format and pay tribute to some of our students favorite performers who have passed away. We have a wide variety of artists stores to share this year. From Chi Cheng from the Deftones to Frank Sinatra, we have something for everyone. Look for a complete list of shows on Monday.

In the mean  time we have posted 2 weeks of blogs from our DJs. Those are live on their pages. To view, click on the “on air” tab then select a DJ from there.

Halloween Show – It Came From The Hilltop

Tonight and tomorrow night at 10pm WGLZ will be airing its Halloween show, It Came From The Hilltop. This show is based on the famous War of the Worlds broadcast, but of course it has a West Lib twist. We have run this show every year since it was produced in 2006 by West Liberty and WGLZ alumni Pete Fernbaugh. Tune in tonight and tomorrow night and enjoy this modern twist on an old favorite.