College of Education and Human Performance

Pool Grant

Grant Name:  Pool Grant
Funded by:  Charles M. Pugliese and Thelma M. Pugliese Charitable Foundation
Awarded:  August, 2013
Amount:  $49,900.00

The College of Education at West Liberty University was awarded a $49,900 grant from the Charles M. Pugliese and Thelma M. Pugliese Charitable Foundation in Steubenville, Ohio for improvements to the pool facilities in Blatnik Hall.  Blatnik Hall, named for Albert Blatnik, “long-time coach, director of athletics, and chairperson of the Department of Physical Education” is centrally located on the main campus of the University; it also houses all of the football, soccer, track, and wrestling offices, two recently updated academic classrooms and several offices for faculty in the College of Education.

“This grant was a collaborative effort between academics and athletics.  I appreciate the team of faculty and coaches who worked with us to write and secure this generous grant,” commented Keely Camden, Dean for the College of Education, “and we appreciate the trustees of the Foundation for their support of our program.”

The grant-provided upgrades will provide the opportunity for new and exciting community projects and initiatives to occur given the experience and background of the faculty members in the College of Education. Faculty have experience as swimming coaches, swimming instructors, lifeguard trainers, swim camp counselors, and participants in competitive swimming at the collegiate and club levels.

As part of this Pool Project, the grant will provide for pool re-tiling, installation of backstroke and flags and land-ines, new paint and signage for the pool area, pool lockers and storage carts, and more.

Kathleen Wack, faculty member in the College of Education, frequently uses the swimming pool with her physical education class, and she hosts elementary school-groups to campus for swimming lessons.  “The project is going to be a benefit for our entire campus community; this will make my classes more dynamic.  We already have outstanding facilities in other areas of physical education, so this now adds to our program.”

The University swimming pool, built in 1956-1957, was once home to a nationally ranked swim teach in 1976.  While the University does not currently have a swim team, several campus and community constituents make use of the facility on a daily basis.  The College of Education offers degrees in Physical Education, Health Education, Exercise Physiology, and Athletic Training.  For additional information, please contact Dr. Rhonda Noble, Chair of the Department of Health and Human Performance at 304-336-8237.

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