College of Education and Human Performance

Gold Headlines: April 10, 2015

=Accepted Students Day=
West Liberty University hosted an Accepted Students Day this Wednesday welcoming more than 100 students and their families to visit our campus. During the Academic Breakout Session, Lou Karas, the Director of Center for Arts and Education, led our incoming Elementary majors through the Center and Makeshop. Faculty members from the Athletic Training program, etc. met with the other students to tour the ASRC and shadow an athletic trainer. The day ended with a complimentary dinner at the Marketplace where faculty and students warmly welcomed the accepted students to join our learning community.

=Guest Speaker from Birth to Three Visited SPED Class=
Pat Elliott from the Birth to Three organization presented to Professor Schimmel’s SPED 341 class on April 9th. She discussed early intervention and special education with an emphasis on the services Birth to Three provides in West Virginia. Pat intertwined her personal experience and wittiness into this presentation to bring much education and laughter.

=Woodsdale Elementary Students Visited the College of Education=
West Liberty University’s Health and Human Performance Department combined with Professional Education Department welcomed kindergarteners from Woodsdale Elementary School. Sixty-seven students enjoyed morning activities of swimming, provided by Kathleen Wack and interactive engagement activities provided by Sarah Schimmel and Judy Stechly and students from the following courses: SPED 391, SPED 341, READ 210, and READ 312 classes. In the afternoon, students from Cathy Monteroso’s HE 466 class had the students engaged in lively literature activities geared around Dr. Seuss books. Mrs. Allen, a kindergarten teacher at Woodsdale indicated it was the best field trip of the year for her students.

=GYM 2.0!=
West Liberty University Health and Physical Education majors in Kathleen Wack’s classes are using technology in innovative ways with local students. They are integrating technology to assess, improve student performance, differentiate instruction, generate excitement, provide instant feedback, and teach content to 21st century learners in a 21st century way!
1. Kane Borowski reviewed the video that he took of two middle school students’ throwing form. He used an iPad and the Coach’s Eye app. The app gives the teacher the capability to do slow-motion and stop action video, highlighting tools, voiceover feedback, and side-by-side comparison.
2. Brittany Burch checked the pedometer of a fourth grade student. The pedometer is worn on the hip, and it measures the number of steps and the MVPA (moderate-to-vigorous physical activity) time that he achieved during instruction. Students can then just press a button and the data is uploaded to a computer program, where comparisons over time can be made.
3. Avery Goff used a task card with a QR code. The student read the task card and then scanned the QR code with the phone. The code led to a video link. The video demonstrated the correct form for a volleyball forearm pass. After watching this video, she scanned another QR code based on her ability level (beginner, intermediate, or expert). That new code led to a video of the drill that she was to do in order to practice the skill at the station.
4. Megumi Maruta used his smartphone as a digital “clipboard.” He used the phone to house the rubric and tally results. Here he shows the 7th grader his score for the assessment.

=Graduation Fair=
Our students graduating in May attended the West Liberty University Graduation Fair at the Highlands Center and in the Boyle Conference Center to pick up regalia, pay graduation fees, receive Commencement information, and make sure them have met requirements. Graduation is at 11 am, Saturday, May 9!

=Exercise Physiology Club Hosts Team Mojo Race=
The West Liberty University Exercise Physiology Club will be hosting a 5K Team Mojo Race held Saturday, April 25. Registration begins at 9 AM with race time at 10 AM. Prices include: $12 pre-registration, $15 day of the race, and $40 for a group of 4 people. There will be plenty of refreshments and prizes. For more information please visit

=hAPPy Friday Tools/Apps Learning=
Special thanks to Earl Nicodemus, Associate Professor of Education/Professional Education Admissions Coordinator, for sharing the resource! Discovery Education offers a breadth and depth of digital media contents, interactive lessons, real time assessments, virtual experiences for administrators, teachers, parents, and students to convert traditional classrooms to digital classrooms inspiring learning. Some free teacher and student resources that bring learning to life both inside and outside the classroom are available in this online resource. Please watch a brief Tutorial Video to know a quick how-to.

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